Recent content by LmveOneAnother

  1. L

    Serious question: What chemicals do herb growers put on their plants before they...

    ...sell them usually? Serious question: What chemicals do herb growers put on their plants before they sell them usually? For example, pesticides & hebicides & genetic modification is used to grow produce, then MSG & other additives are used to make the food good & give it shelf life, do most...
  2. L

    Atheists, do any of you listen to a lot of religious

    I listen to a LOT of music with religious messages. It's always hella chill music, ya know? Do any of you guys do the same? Peace & Much Love to everyone of all religions, non-religions, & all diff backgrounds...shoutout to diversity! Furreal though :) ?
  3. L

    When someone laughs at you, do you associate it in a negative connotation, or the

    opposite....? I'm just asking cause, i was walking out the parking lot with a friend of mine a couple of days ago, & (this is gonna sound AWFUL but i swear i didn't mean no harm! :P) there was this girl walking in front of us, & her skirt was hiked up & you could basically see everything. Haha...