Recent content by Llgirl21

  1. L

    The Confession Thread

    1337, or "leet", as in elite. You know that crappy computer speak that the occaisonal noob comes here speaking before everyone beats it out of them.
  2. L

    Why Are Women Aggressive?

    cullen, arrest me! MD - awwwww I think aggression is a luxury that educated women in developed nations can use/exert (I'm not talking about criminal violence). Women are more likely to stand up for what they believe in, argue with their husbands/boyfriends etc. compared to those in...
  3. L

    Do you like the person above you?

    Wtf hacks?
  4. L

    Typical day in Tennessee

    they live in a trailer. that explains everything oh and I would have assumed a typical day in Tennessee involved sexing your cousin... amirite valo?
  5. L

    i need to get sober quick

    There is a lot to be learnt on MAP. How to get sober? Eat some acidic fruit after you're drunk, throw up everything, sleep on the street. Wake up after 2 hours. Fresh and ready to go!
  6. L

    prom night tonight baby

    Prom is not as cool as it's made out to be. Also it's expensive. Also my high school forced us to go to after prom which lasted until like 4 am I expect no good stories other than "I wish I hadn't payed all of that money for shitty food and a dance."
  7. L

    Sometimes I hate my own species...ok, a LOT of the time.

    Should I tell my "What's the difference between Australia and a Yoghurt" joke?
  8. L

    need anwsers !!

  9. L

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    About a third of your age?
  10. L

    Thought of the Day

    Training related - Pinning the hips or shoulders and off lining the knees, head or feet prevents the opponent generating any sort of power for a defence and gives good control during groundwork.
  11. L

    Gaddafi is dead

    There are probably even a few al quaida people among the rebel forces IMO. Probably not a huge number, though. Having said that, I've come to think that the tiny number of muslims who participate in terrorism conceals a larger number of people who support such actions, and a much larger number...
  12. L

    alice!!! [email protected]

  13. L

    Third Graders Plot to Kill teacher

    That's real descriptive, Lieutenant.
  14. L

    Bigamny now legal in the uk!

    heres the link forn anyone who thinks the reporter was at court and decided to just make a case up. I done a little checking out, i may be wrong but i think our so...
  15. L

    American in the UK - what do they have to eat? I feel bloody old too now