Recent content by LindaK

  1. L

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
  2. L

    Train of thought game

  3. L

    anyone want a new dog?

    you could have the nazi dog
  4. L

    Dhl, 24/7?

    Do they work 24/7? Just seeing if anyone knows. Thanks, Chris.
  5. L

    How many carbonated beverages?

    wheres the option for none? other shouldnt count All i drink is milk, water, and juice edit-and rum
  6. L

    Camel Crush

    and you're a tool.
  7. L

    Which consoles are the resident evil games for?

    ps2 has 1-3 i think, ps3 has 1-4, wii has -5, xbox 360 has 1-5 im pretty sure its that :D
  8. L

    Which consoles are the resident evil games for?

    ps2 has 1-3 i think, ps3 has 1-4, wii has -5, xbox 360 has 1-5 im pretty sure its that :D
  9. L

    Where is some good black bear hunting in southwest montana?

    ummmmmmmmmmm follow some footprints
  10. L

    Hospitalization for exhaustion?

    I don't understand how all these celebrities keep popping in and out of the hospital for exhaustion... Do they just walk into the ER and say "I'm exhausted." or what!? How is anyone hospitalized for exhaustion?
  11. L

    what kind of dog do I have?

    I got her at the shelter but I am uncertain as to the type(s) of breed(s) she is. Is there a website where i can post a picture of her, and have people give us their opinions. forget DNA testing, i heard its not accurate. any other alternative
  12. L

    The next time Obama travels to Iraq will it be our fine military throwing

    he isn't we are. He is muslim. They are brothers
  13. L

    The next time Obama travels to Iraq will it be our fine military throwing

    he isn't we are. He is muslim. They are brothers
  14. L

    is there such thing as a long hair pittbull?

    i have a dog that is supposed to be a pitt. but the older that he gets the more that he starts to look like a lab he has medium length hair. but he has all of the other markings of a pit the mouth the feet the spots on his underbelly. is he mixed