Recent content by LifeAnnl

  1. L

    Anyone can give me an Acrostics for the word Nutrition???

    thanks!!!! A sentence in every letter... thanks again... I have been thinking what to put since yesterday, but nothing comes to my mind :-(
  2. L

    My boyfriend is acting 'casual' these days...?

    He talks to me as casual like I am his employer, or like a casual friend or acquintance... Any hint why? He is acting weird to me... Just wondering, but not bothered.
  3. L

    If a man's Venus is in Scorpio,Does it means that he is attracted to the feme...

    ...fatale ( Sun in Scorpio woman) How about if his sun and moon are in Capricorn. Could he possibly have patience on her tempers? He has sun moon mercury: Capricorn venus mars: Scorpio