Recent content by len

  1. len

    Ultamate Showdown Bear grylls vs Survivor Man

    My cousin Billy Bob legally changed his name to Thor.
  2. len

    Andy Capp Fries

    hot fries are full of win, especially in the middle of science or math class, they give u the perfect excuse to go drink water/h20
  3. len

    Whats in Your Pockets Right NOW ST?

    Depending on my mood decides which one I carry. Yes, I carry a lot of crap around.
  4. len

    Ringtones for iPhone.?

    Yes there!! Its called xringtone its like an app you can download im not sure, give it a google and follow the instructions, thats exactly what ive done and i have 20 ringtones!
  5. len

    Is there a difference between the anime and manga of Kuroshitsuji?

    The manga as far as I know has the Noah's ark circus which is not included in the anime but leaves out some characters such as Drocell, Ash/Angela, Pluto, Alois, Claude, etc. If you are planning on reading from any point probably do it after the curry festival part or if you're really interested...
  6. len


  7. len

    HTC Desire Z or Motorola Milestone 2?

    I've been wanting a landscape-type slider phone and I've seen this two. Prices are almost the same. Which one should I get? and which have better widgets/apps? they both run on android right? which performance runs faster? I was thinking of getting a blackberry torch 9810 first but then i saw...
  8. len

    can anyone tell me what mp3 player i need and how to get yahoo im to show the... i am listening to now? All I want to do is be able to display song title and artist on my yahoo im
  9. len

    Current Pirate Activity Map

    same. you a mariner?
  10. len

    when converting a wmv file to burn to a DVD-RW to play on a household DVD player

    Hi. Burning a movie to play on a standard dvd player is not just the case of copying files of a particular format to disc. Structure is required . What you need to know is what format the particular burning software you are going/intending to use will except then let the software...
  11. len

    t/f - adopted kids get free ride to college

    my friend tells me that adopted kids in california apparently get a free ride to any college that accepts them? is this even partially true, as in a scholarship? or full of bs?
  12. len

    What happened to Jesus Christ between His death and resurrection?

    What happened to Jesus Christ between His death and resurrection? We know Jesus died on the cross of Calvary after He has finished His work of redemption. (John 19:30) Later, He was buried, and on the third day, He rose from the dead. (Corinthians 15:3-4) But, what happened to Jesus during...
  13. len

    How can I watch DVD's on my laptop?

    Hi. k-lite codec pack. or If you would like a stand alone player VLC plays just about every thing.
  14. len

    I'm looking for a puzzle game involving the manipulation of a path for a...

    ...series of different colored balls? the goal was to land the balls into the correctly colored spots, the different levels had the names of philosophers.
  15. len


    nice. i want some EDIT: ^ lawl. i win