Recent content by legacy

  1. L

    Is One Piece and fairy Tail appropriate?

    If he is 11 he can be watching DBZ, Fairy Tail,Naruto,One Piece, and Pokemon
  2. L

    What's it mean if a black guy says "Pause no homo" when he speaks? My sisters...

    He probably said something that sounded gay, but he didn't really mean it.
  3. L


    1. RAIDERS....10-6 2.CHARGERS...9-7 3.CHEIFS...8-8 4. BRONCOS....4-12
  4. L

    Royal rumble predictions + who do u want to win it ?? + BQ?

    BQ1: why does ziggler keep talking on nxt while seeing matches? BQ2: did anyone notice micheal tarver on raw last week?? BQ3: which pvp do u think i should go to live other than wm if i live really far from the usa so which is really worth it BQ4: when do u think hhh is returning???
  5. L

    2011 nfl standing predictions?

    That's actually pretty good, but the Steelers will not be that good, Falcons will be ahead of the Saints and Buccaneers will be tied with the Saints but yeah, other than that I agree.
  6. L

    What should i do if my cat has conjunctivitis?

    Okay, so im 15 years old and ive been begging my parents to take our cat to the vet because he has conjunctivitis. But they wont listen to me! They keep saying that he will get over it. But he hasnt. And its starting to worry me. So what else is there that i can do at home to help him?? And is...
  7. L

    With the way the media portrays sexuality, isn't it one of the ways to transform ->?

    No... How can you draw that conclusion? Sexual abuse comes from poor childhoods (more often than not). Sexual molestation is caused by individuals with major mental dysfunction (in controlling their sexual obsessions). Its true that the media does promote sales through sexual ads, but thats...
  8. L

    The smackdown after wm 25 predictions.?

    Undertaker and HBK will announce there retirements...
  9. L

    Why do people complain about this?

    the difference between Edge being champ and Cena is the fact that Edge always loses his tile eventually, in most feud Cena always wins... Cena is so up himself... Cena has held the title to long and its about time for someone else to be champ
  10. L

    WWE 2009 DRAFT Predictions?

    i completely agree with most of them except for the fact that Christian will go to smackdown i think he will go to raw.
  11. L

    What does the future hold for Chris Jericho ?

    i see him siding with orton possibly
  12. L

    Who are the best celebrity and sport role models?

    I was bored and thought of this question. So...who do you think is the best role models? btw whatever age they are. it doesnt matter
  13. L

    Where can i get information on celebs?

    I wanna a website or something that has info on a celeb like what shows they like and wat music and stuff.... if you know any could ya tell me please... Mostly need 1 on Debby Ryan... too prove my friend wrong. Thanks if you have 1 google does shit all! No more google! ok if ur so good tell me...
  14. L

    Who is the most down to earth celebrity?

    Who is the msot down to earth of all celebs... i was bored... To me i think Debby Ryan who is kinda new is and also Selena Gomez
  15. L

    TNA Genesis, didn't it kind of look like angle really hit jarrett with the bell?

    they cant not hit them they have to at least touch them to make it work