Recent content by LeeSopp

  1. L

    Sport bike or a car for my first vehicle?

    Okay so I LOVE the looks of a sport bike, im getting the option of bike riding lessons or driving lessons and I'm not sure what one to go for. I like fast Cars but moneys tight and if I were to buy a car I would get some cheap pergeo 107 or saxo. I haven't got alot of money but I would love to...
  2. L

    Do you think this is a rumor?

    This girl at my school put a empty sure deodorant can in her bum and used it as a dildo but I'm not sure if it was just rumors to make her feel bad, it was one of the 48 hour deodorant cans what are long and slighlty thick and could be used as a dildo but woudnt it break in her bum, surely her...
  3. L

    If I smoked once a day how much will that effect my fitness and in how many years?

    Starting now if I smoked once a day how much will it effect my fitness and when will I see the effects. I heard that smoking effects ur fitness in about 5 years for people who smoke alot, say I could run a mile in 5 minutes what would my time be if a smoked once a day and when will it take...