Recent content by Layna

  1. L

    Why do people let their cats outside then complain when they get sick or injured?

    My big fat tom cat used to be an outside cat and he never got hurt or sick. He was an outside cat because he wanted to explore the outside world and use his natural instincts. Plus he was more active back then and wanted to run and be fit. Now a days we just let him outside without a leash for a...
  2. L

    Switching from Bell to Rogers... ?

    I have recently puchased a Motorola Pebl U6 online and I know that it is a GSM phone. I want to switch from Bell to Rogers, but I am not sure what steps i need to take? My contract with bell has just over 1 year left... help?
  3. L

    i need a new style for camp. help?

    just wear what you usually wear, something cute and casual. don't stress out too much about what you're gonna wear, it's summer camp, not a fashion show!
  4. L

    What style clothes should tall / heavy (*fat*) males wear?

    I'd try Big & Tall they also have big and tall sections in department stores like jcpenney
  5. L

    Does White Cooking Wine taste exactly like the real thing in recipes?

    Yes, it tastes exactly the same.
  6. L

    Abolish school summer holidays???

    UHH, NOO!! we need time to rest 'n have fun!! actually in my case, my agenda is like CCCOOOMMMPPPLLLLEEETTTEEELLLYYY packed!!!!!!!!! i'm doing swimming, hip-hop, ballet, art, gymnastics, drama, science, yoga, and piano. yep...haha just the usual summer for, seriously. haha