Recent content by LaurenceI

  1. L

    Windows 7 'A disk read error occurred press ctr+alt+delete to restart fix?

    sounds like Malware clean your pc.
  2. L

    Burned DVD shows no files on disk.?

    this happens when you do this 1 windows cd writing is enabled 2 you burn a project of files 3 you leave the disk OPEN(your default settings should be changed to always close the disc) 4 you take out the disc, re-insert it and "1" above opens a NEW session. 5 windows only shows you the...
  3. L

    Enable hardware virtualization in samsung netbook(Pheonix secureboot Setup BIOS)?

    you havnt configured it right and are being confused by the message. Virtualisation isnt something you can turn on or off yourself. if you look at the thread below you will see a whole mess of stuff you have to get right in the vmware configuration. So stop looking at Bios's perhaps visiting...
  4. L

    Burned DVD shows no files on disk.?

    this happens when you do this 1 windows cd writing is enabled 2 you burn a project of files 3 you leave the disk OPEN(your default settings should be changed to always close the disc) 4 you take out the disc, re-insert it and "1" above opens a NEW session. 5 windows only shows you the...
  5. L

    I cant find where is the BLUETOOTH in my laptop?

    not all models have bluetooth check this document for how to turn on bluetooth IF YOUR PC HAS IT
  6. L

    Using bluetooth for lap top internet?

    what are you like? why dont we discuss whats wrong with the wifi first. like state a few facts 1 what make model of oruter are we talking about? 2 how many users on the wifi 3 what opsys do you have 4 what wireless card is in the laptop come on try its not that hard is it?
  7. L

    Why are my files still not playing on DivX?

    video content is developing and changing the file extension AVI tells you nothing about the content its most likely an unusual arrangement of data. try vlc player its often more up to date the origin of this avi would reveal why it wont play.
  8. L

    How to convert a movie that is in AVI. format to DivX.?

    the answer is this you havnt said where the AVI comes from, ie what created it. you also havnt given its dimensions. Unfortunately AVI files have been misused. they are now Overloaded with different content DivX can already play most AVI content so it doesnt want to convert it. All DVD...
  9. L

    My Bluetooth has quit functioning on my laptop?

    netwrok connections right click bluetooth connection choose properties tick the show icon when connected. there should be a Bluetooth Management Application of some kind accessed from START PROGRAMS, try running it
  10. L

    Best DVD authoring program ?

    mediachance dvdlabpro
  11. L

    why is my dvd player shutting down my pc?

    cd rewriting software(all sorts) have been known to seriously dislike Antivirus software. you probably have an incompatible pair. uninstall the cd rewriting software and re-install it custom, and do not install the options to mintor the drive for disk insertion. alternatively alter the...
  12. L

    What is the best free DVD Burning Software?

    this place is full of free stuff. go there and you'll be there all day.
  13. L

    What is the quickest way to move my windows install to a larger hard drive?

    your question is a bit confusing you say you are a linux person, but yet you say you used fdisk, thats pc stuff. and this sshd is it in the linux box permanently or is it somewhere else? and what filing system does it have? well i think that about covers it. anyway i love free software, dont you?