Recent content by LaptopJesus

  1. L

    Former Christians: If you could meet yourself back when you were a

    Christian, what would you do? Would you try to reason with your old Christian self? Not bother? If you would try to reason with your old self, what line would you take?
  2. L

    Atheists, which beliefs of which Abrahamic Religions are you in most agreement with?

    Bahai I suppose. Honestly, not really any of them, but at least Bahai are tolerant and seem to embrace intellectual curiousity.
  3. L

    Atheists, which beliefs of which Abrahamic Religions are you in most agreement with?

    Bahai I suppose. Honestly, not really any of them, but at least Bahai are tolerant and seem to embrace intellectual curiousity.
  4. L

    Which is more addictive, cigarettes or religion?

    Religion is most addictive. People don't fly planes into buildings or burn others at the stake for smoking Marlboro Lights.
  5. L

    In what order were these religions created, from oldest to newest?

    One thing that all those faiths would have in common: they would consider doing your own homework a great virtue.
  6. L

    At the Creationist Museum, do they mix the freshwater and saltwater fish, just to

    prove a point? Or do they get dead-ish when you do that?
  7. L

    Considering children without health insurance, children in poverty, why is gay

    marriage a more pressing issue? How many millions were spent to get prop 8 through in Cali?
  8. L

    Please help me plan my trip to Greece over Christmas holidays?

    My daughter and I are taking our "once in a lifetime trip." I've been saving forever and I want to make it just right. I've read over a dozen guide books and just end up more confused. We're flying into Athens on 14 Dec and flying out 30 Dec. We would like to include a trip to Istanbul for...