Recent content by LanceBloodbane

  1. L

    MOTOROKR E8 question!! need help?

    my phone is a MOTOROKR E8. on the phone description it says that it could use all formats for ringtones, but i think due to its combanation with ROGERS WIRELESS (the company i am using), it is different. do you have a difinitive answers as to what files types can be used? or anything else that...
  2. L

    motorola phones with rogers plans?

    this happened to me and a few friends of mine that have motorola phones with rogers plans: we are unable to set any of our music as the ring tone on the description of the phones, it says that all types of music files can be used as a ringtone, and from confermation of many people also using...
  3. L

    motorola phones with rogers plans?

    this happened to me and a few friends of mine that have motorola phones with rogers plans: we are unable to set any of our music as the ring tone on the description of the phones, it says that all types of music files can be used as a ringtone, and from confermation of many people also using...
  4. L

    what type of files are the ringtone of cell phones?

    i just got a motorola ROKR, i am trying to set a song i have to be the ringtone, after a failed attempt, i realized that maybe the ringtones are of a different file type than the mp3s. so what type of files are ringtones? and how can i convert one of my mp3 format song into that type?
  5. L

    motorola ROKR question?

    i just got a new phone, the motorola ROKR, with a rogers plan. everything looks amazing except i have 2 problems: 1. i cant seem to be able to select a song (stored in my phone) for the ringtone. whenever i try to change the ringtone, it brings up 2 options, either music or sounds, and other...
  6. L

    Do you think religion would be extinct in 150 years?

    150 years optimistically speaking nowadays religious individuals have become less and less, so would it eventually disappear ? and what is the point of religion, 1000 years ago? now? 1000 years later (if it still exists)? please answer with an unbiased point of view. and keep the flaming...
  7. L

    how to deal with a step parent?

    what should i do when i Absolutely despise my step-father, but he makes my mom (who i live with) happy ?