Recent content by lalay

  1. L

    Rape/Torture Porn

    hey now, you've got to play manhunt before you pass judgement on it! lol
  2. L

    What are you scared of?

    Bugs And Spiders....and clowns
  3. L

    parents and non parents.

    No I can agree with that. Its probably the easiest one to come to mind but I would've preferred a different example too.
  4. L

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Fish for not being the Fish of Life
  5. L

    which do you like more? *pics*

    you'd get more than a fart out of that ass
  6. L

    Musicians & Global Warming

    Musicians & Global Warming Being a cynic where it comes to human nature I'd be inclined to say it's a mixture of reasons. Mostly shameless self-promotion but mixed in with a bit of guity conscience. For example, I bet that Sheryl Crow secretly uses a lot of toilet paper.
  7. L

    Broken bones?

    I've broke both my wrists, and stapled my fingers together with a staplegun, which was technically a fracture, but that's another story.
  8. L

    baww thread v.3

  9. L

    Anyone know what to look for in used cars under £1000?

    Anyone know what to look for in used cars under Me too,well,mine was just under a year old.Only because I'm a posher though. I would make sure it has wheels, windscreen wiper thingies and is a nice colour Seany
  10. L

    who hates freshies?

    Being voted 'most likely to commit a school shooting' seemed to stop the bullying for me.
  11. L

    Is this fat?!

  12. L

    Dog The Bounty Hunter

    Paragraphs Please _ I Won't Even Attempt To Read That
  13. L

    Define what is a friend.

    I know. Given time you might u derstand how my mind works
  14. L

    Boner during grinding: Yay or Nay?

    Man, you're avvy is aw-mother fucking-some.
  15. L

    If you butter a cats back....

    If you butter cats back then you have some serious social problems an maybe you should be off to get some kind of help.