Recent content by Kirk

  1. K

    Could I get a 13,000 dollar truck with a 7k down but no credit?

    So I want something like a 2006 GMC Sierra. They run around 13,000 dollars used on average. Do you think any dealers would sell me one if I had a 7,000 dollar down payment (cash) but no credit? I don't have bad credit, I just never developed any. I applied for a credit card yesterday, but that...
  2. K

    Nero dvd burner: what does ERROR CODE 340 mean?

    I can't find this answer. It's NERO 7
  3. K

    Dear Atheist how come you laugh at creationism when its proven ascientifically ?

    Excuse me, but how does this prove your point?
  4. K

    Is there a term for someone who reads up and studies All religions or as many

    An Atheist that reads? Rare find. (j/k guys, couldn't resist)
  5. K

    What is this car from the 70s (with pictures)?

    It could be a Mercury Comet.
  6. K

    Christians, what annoys you most about the end of the world prediction in 2012?

    Nothing annoys me about it, but I think anyone who buys in to it is a fool.
  7. K

    What is the funniest thing you have ever said/done to the Mormons who knock on...

    Never had a Mormon come to my door but plenty of Jehovah Witness have.
  8. K

    1999 Mazda 626 Alternator?

    Check these cars: '93-'99 Mazda 626 ES 4-Door '94-'95 Mazda 626 DX 4-Door '92-'96 Mazda MX-3 Base 2-Door '92-'94 Mazda MX-3 GS 2-Door '93-'94 Mazda MX-3 SE 2-Door '95-'96 Mazda MX-3 Precedia 2-Door '93-'97 Mazda MX-6 LS 2-Door '93-'97 Mazda MX-6 Base 2-Door '96 Mazda MX-6 M edition...
  9. K

    Will our USA Government admit there is a large Alien Spacecraft crashed on the Moon?

    My inside sources have told me, that we will be returning to the moon, this year. The Lunar Lander will land near the dark side of the moon. During an L.O.S [loss of signal] period of about 45 minutes, the astronauts will drive a Rover into the Dark side and investigate a large,crashed, Alien...
  10. K

    What religion is this?

    It's not rude to ask. Be honest, ask him and then tell him how stupid his beliefs are and how evil his parents must be to force such stupidity upon him.
  11. K

    why is it that no one like country music?

    Country is no different than any other music form now. It's mass produced poorly written crap. you wont hear "real" music on the radio.
  12. K

    If Judaism and Islam suddenly united how would that affect the global

    The world would be just a touch dumber. Judaism provides fertile soil for knowledge,science etc.... it's still nonsense. Islam retards advancement, those who've bought the lie about Islam's golden age of discovery need a history lesson.
  13. K

    Why don't I get audio on my PC with DVD's?

    The Audio codec is a reasonable possibility, but if its not that, make sure your audio isn't set up for dolby digital surround or anything like that. I had a similar problem one time and because of my setup it wouldn't play audio without setting for the monitor's speakers. Hope this helps :)
  14. K

    Why are notes disappearing off my tumblr posts?

    Unfortunately Im not well versed in the tumblr world, but I do know that in most social networks and blogspots there is an option for observers to report abuse and sometimes people report things that arent there if that makes any sense to you. It's not really a conclusive reason or fix, but...
  15. K

    bio help.....Gizmos......?

    Wherever there is a T put an A, wherever there is an A though, put a U because Thymine isn't present in RNA (it's Uracil instead). Wherever theres a G put a C and vice versa