Recent content by kimbster

  1. K

    So i might be beaten to death..

    I expect pics you get beat down.
  2. K

    Imagine this

  3. K

    What grinds your gears? V. x.2

    Bitches, Hoes, Mods, :/, Old people, Little annoying kids.
  4. K

    Utah has some weird laws.

    your just supposed to marry everyone duh...
  5. K

    ST, my job is cooler than you

    Here, lets all gloat about our jobs! I design flight training software for the pilots that fly the helicopter your panzy ass is building, not to mention i also build websites :tup:
  6. K

    Area 51

    yes, this is it! [/URL][/IMG]
  7. K

    This Is THE Coolest Kid Ive EVER Seen.

  8. K

    Xbox live connection not working!!?

    I bought a wireless networking adaptor and xbox live card anyway my router is downstairs so no ethernet! so the router has givin me wii internet but i disconnetced my wii so now my XBOX is connected with the wirless infrastructure but it says no connection to XBOX live and it says i'm not...
  9. K

    New Teacher

  10. K

    I am a beginner at Trout Fishing!! please help me!?

    Well i am a beginner trout angler, but a skilled Bass angler. Now i am going to a lake that has been stocked with Trout idk what species though. now i have a spin rod and reel and the temperature on that day is about between 65 and 52 F. and the day before that is 65 and 42 F. i live in katy...
  11. K

    9/11 - Can anyone prove this conspiracy wrong?

    my dad he is really smart when it comes to conspiracy. it was bombed 100% trust me buildings don't pancake fire spread upwards not downwards they blew up. the reason: President G.W.Bush wanted to fight Iraq but didn't have a reason so he blew them up with the Iraqi terrorists (yeah right) so...
  12. K

    How Can I Put up a picture on the internet and put a link on yahoo answers?

    Please Help.. i want to post picture links but don't know how to put them on or put a picture on the internet?
  13. K

    Can tight shoes damage your feet?

    yes if u walk to much or stay to long in them u get blisters