Recent content by KimberlyA

  1. K

    Who would win USA or Russia?

    america has lasers that shoot missles and nukes out of the sky
  2. K

    Interview questions at Taco Bell?

    I just got a call for an interview at Taco Bell in the next few days. I have went in and talked to the manager a previously a few times and handed in my resume and cover letter, which generally detailed my previous work experience at McDonalds and my current 8+ years as a Tae Kwon Do student...
  3. K

    Worst Way To Die?

    I now am scared that people will take me and do this shit now.
  4. K

    "Day of Silence"

    "Day of Silence" bahahahaha everyone thinks just because some Mayans made a calender that ended in 2012 that the world will end. people thought it was gonna end in 2000, many thought 9-11 was the end of the world and a hundred times before that, but guess what you dumb fuck, we're still here...
  5. K

    Nipple Hair

    cut your whole nipple off
  6. K

    Related to anyone famous or remarkable??

    Mum installed very first computers in 'Standered Chartered Bank' in my country. Also my grandpa was on the news about some health conference, again in my country :p:.
  7. K

    watch this

    OP, your sig is gai.
  8. K

    7 week old waking and screaming?

    Sounds like you need to make a phone call to the pediatric, hun. Is she having gas? Try infant tylenol and or mylicon...My daughter gets gassy sometimes..(not collicy) and mylicon works. Have you tried the swing or gently bouncy her? It works for my baby girl. She just had her hep b vaccination...
  9. K

    anyone have any horror movie ideas?

    the horror movie is for school and must be 6-8 minutes. any ideas would be greatly appreciated. (nothing too professional, i only have a camera and a tripod)
  10. K

    How do you stop people from spreading rumors about you ?

    just tell the person who started that youll spread a rumor about them or just beat them up
  11. K

    LG EnV2 or Samsung Sway?!?

    i would say the enV2 ccuz i have it and its grreat u can text on the outside and since the outside has bigger keeys its really easy nd u don press the wrong button plus u can take pics closed and opened
  12. K

    I am working on a word doc mail merge from home. How can I save the mail merged doc

    to a cd or emil attachment? I am working from home on this mail merge project. I want to save the info and print it out in the office. Is this possible?
  13. K

    how can I import data into a excel program from a website or word doc?

    trying to create a large contact list in excel to use in a mail merge but I don't want to type each address, the addresses are listed on a website. Copy and paste doesn't work
  14. K

    should the celebrities be required to use the product they are endorsing? why?

    Yes of course! Otherwise it is obvious they are only in it for the money. I suppose it would be acceptable if they were allergic, but why endorse something you can't use? to answer your question, I say yes they should be required to use the product they endorse. Hope that helps!! <3...