Recent content by kilroy

  1. K

    Is a priesthood that only allows one sex homo- sexual?

    You're intentionally misinterpreting the uses of the word "homo". In this case it would be mono-sexual (single-sex). And actually, the use of homo in homosexual is from the Latin "homo" meaning man, not same.
  2. K

    Tom Brady is secretly a homo?

    I think he is. He turned 11 guys known as the Jets into his b***ches last night.
  3. K

    Is this sexual harassment?

    Not sexual harassment. Especially if the woman has a job requiring her to be in water like a diver, swimmer, swim coach, or physical therapist.
  4. K

    What's a good audio mixing/beat making computer program?

    I'm trying to make simple hip hop beats but I want the program to have the capabilities to make pro beats. So many of the programs available have a very steep learning curve and I'd like a program that is easy to pick up on a beginning level and can eventually be mastered. Thanks.
  5. K

    In calculating the GNP, will Obama classify the cruise missiles he fired into...

    ...Libya as "exports"? After all, exports are vital to our nation's vibrant economy and the economic numbers can use a little help.
  6. K

    How do you think Roger Goodell will try to handicap the Steelers next season?

    With Ben still with the team, Goodell doesn't have to do anything. I hear Ben's going to to a page out of Favre's book and hang around with high school boys this summer.
  7. K

    Hey Jets fans! Now that one of your coaches was caught cheating, you

    finally going to stop whining about? Belicheck taping your practices a few years ago?
  8. K

    Do you honestly think that Roger Goodell is singeling out James Harrison?

    You act like Harrison is forced to play the game. He isn't. It's his choice to play in the NFL. If little Jimmy doesn't like what's happening to him, then Adios to him and his cheap shots. BTW, he can take Finnegan with him.
  9. K

    How would you, as a UTILITARIAN Second Amendment advocate, argue for the defendant

    Jurors don't defend parties to a lawsuit. SCOTUS just came down with a ruling stating that people have the right to bear arms in the US. Militias have nothing to do with it. A first year law student could have struck a "militia only" juror from the pool during voir dire. .
  10. K

    What do you do when your trying not to laugh?

    biting the inside of my cheek works, if it doesnt work, bite harder trying to keep a straight face usually gives me away, cuz i cant do that (usually)
  11. K

    What do you do when your trying not to laugh?

    biting the inside of my cheek works, if it doesnt work, bite harder trying to keep a straight face usually gives me away, cuz i cant do that (usually)
  12. K

    search engine for single mp3 songs? easiest, fastest site ive ever used
  13. K

    i have 2 rats that just gave birth...?

    I don't think you should mix the two, but at the feeding times just leave one of the rats from the larger group out and almost have the rats take turns feeding. You could rotate the left out rat by feeding times. The rat you leave out will get fed, just after the first group. Hope this helps! Kilroy