Recent content by Kevin7

  1. K

    Is there "substitutionary atonement" in both Xtianity and judaism ?

    In Judaism Jews are responsible for their own sins,Yom Kippur is the Jewish day of atonement
  2. K

    Is the reason for the similarities between Judaic and all other traditions that

    The Jews influenced many religions read the Kuzari by Judah Ha-Levy
  3. K

    What were some travel gadgets in the 1970s ?

    i think a compass
  4. K

    what were the sci fi series Nightflyers and Doorways?

    same writer
  5. K

    Is it true people can convert to Judaism?

    Ruth a convert to Judaism and ancestor of King David, one should never abuse the 911 system
  6. K

    can reform converts to Judaism make aliyah?

    Yes, all Jews are ONE people.
  7. K

    What or who is a Mohal (Judaism)?

    A Mohel is person trained to do male circumcisions on Jews, they need not be a rabbi. i know one that is doctor ,i know one that is cantor
  8. K

    Why in Judaism, is circumstion perfromed?

    It is tradition,part of the covenant of Abraham
  9. K

    Judaism and Circumcised?

    Jews only circumcise males
  10. K

    What does it mean to dream you are shot in the head?

    It could mean emotional pain or fear
  11. K

    What is Australian-style rock cooking?

  12. K

    Islam severed all ties with any beliefs of Judaism and Christianity?

    It is false all 3 religions are closely related to one another
  13. K

    Am i Lesbian or Bisexual?

    Desires for the same sex alone does not necessarily make you Lesbian or Bi