Recent content by KenS

  1. K

    Connecticut cigarettes?

    Is there a place near Foxwoods casino that sells cigarettes on Indian land? Looking to buy discounted cartons If you have the name of a place that would be great
  2. K

    Connecticut cigarettes?

    Is there a place near Foxwoods casino that sells cigarettes on Indian land? Looking to buy discounted cartons If you have the name of a place that would be great
  3. K

    Would Jun Fan Gung Fu + BJJ/Wrestling work in MMA?

    Or are you better of with muay thai rather than Jun Fan Gung Fu for the stand up? Obviously some Jun Fan Gung Fu techniques are illegal in MMA
  4. K

    is there any physics here? someone who can tell me my future?

    You will become a teenage mother You will drop out of education Your boyfriend will leave you for another man
  5. K

    Is Broncos rookie QB Tim Tebow worth the hype?

    True, Tebow was a Heisman Trophy-winning QB at Florida. But a lot of teams passed on him because he needed to work on his throwing motion. Is Tebow the second coming of John Elway, or is he going to resemble Tommy Maddox, who was drafted in '92 and played only two years in Denver?
  6. K

    iphone update 3.1.3 no service?

    omg like i have no more service anymore what do i do i don't even have cydia anymore
  7. K

    iphone update 3.1.3 no service?

    omg like i have no more service anymore what do i do i don't even have cydia anymore
  8. K

    What happens if i upgrade my iphone without (jailbroken iphone)?

    i bought my iphone (3gs)in taiwan before they actually sold it...i guess it was imported from america... the guy in the phone shop said something about updating the iphone. i forgot so what will happen if i upgrade it? will it erase all my apps and music ect. thank u apprieciate if anyone knows
  9. K

    What happens if i upgrade my iphone without (jailbroken iphone)?

    i bought my iphone (3gs)in taiwan before they actually sold it...i guess it was imported from america... the guy in the phone shop said something about updating the iphone. i forgot so what will happen if i upgrade it? will it erase all my apps and music ect. thank u apprieciate if anyone knows
  10. K

    What happens if i upgrade my iphone without (jailbroken iphone)?

    i bought my iphone (3gs)in taiwan before they actually sold it...i guess it was imported from america... the guy in the phone shop said something about updating the iphone. i forgot so what will happen if i upgrade it? will it erase all my apps and music ect. thank u apprieciate if anyone knows
  11. K

    What happens if i upgrade my iphone without (jailbroken iphone)?

    i bought my iphone (3gs)in taiwan before they actually sold it...i guess it was imported from america... the guy in the phone shop said something about updating the iphone. i forgot so what will happen if i upgrade it? will it erase all my apps and music ect. thank u apprieciate if anyone knows
  12. K

    why cant i watch videos on "the american site"anymore?

    ok...right now i live in Taiwan and i've been watching ABDC in mtv american site since taiwan doesnt have ABDC but now i cant anymore it says because they can't let other users from other countries watch it please help me and give me information why i cant watch any videos now!
  13. K

    Do vets really have no clue about nutrition?

    Good for you. True most vets are cluless about nutrtion. It is because of who they learn nutrition from Nutritional Education Program website page for the American College of Veterinary Nutrition. Notice who they are receiving grants from for this program...
  14. K

    How do I remove my SD card from my Samsung Instinct?

    I do not want to damage the card
  15. K

    How do I remove my SD card from my Samsung Instinct?

    I do not want to damage the card