Recent content by Kayleigh

  1. K

    Do people think its cruel I ride with a whip all the time?

    I hardly ever use it I mainly carry it for saftey? I carry it in the field aswell. I belive in useing your leg before jumping onto whips and that! Is it ok just to carry one?
  2. K

    Read this and tell me what you think please?

    A body wrapped in black lace and a face disguised by a mask of powder, she walks towards the nearest bar pretending to know the person underneath. It is the evening she craves, those hurried romances dead before the hangover reveals itself. And so she waits to hear another gentle word, to find...
  3. K

    Difference in behaviour? On phone & in person?

    Sounds like it's because he's not 'allowed' to. From 19 to 45 it's a big difference and although that is fine, he's also your administrator, he might not be allowed to 'like' someone like that... so he doesn't show it until it's 'private' like a phone call.
  4. K

    So, women are going to be replaced by robots? LOL?

    And women robots at that? Hmmm.....anyone else see the irony in someone thinking that's "paradise"? Swapping women for women, but ones without any personality? What sort of man would think like that? How many of you would like that? As if that would ever fly. You complain that men can't even...
  5. K

    Breeders/Co owning....opinions?

    well they seem to have taken the time to create a proper website with all the information anyone would want to know about their business. i seems like a good deal to me, i'd do it.
  6. K

    i dont understand this joke?

    i was looking on somebodys facebook and i saw this but i dont get it? ? 'A' is the 1st letter of the alphabet and 'H' is the 8th letter, right? 9/11 = 0.81818181 = HAHAHAHA anybody else get it?
  7. K

    I cut a bit too deep what should I do?

    I was happily slashing my wrists but I accidently cut to deep and now it is gushing with blood... I have bandaged it up but it is absolutely soaking. It is panging. Is there any home remedies for this or should I see a doctor?
  8. K

    Looking for some new songs for my mp3 player?

    Melissa: You just listed like all of my favorite bands :) haha any ways, it sounds like you like classic rock so try Led Zepplin, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, the Eagles, Ozzy, Jimi Hendrix, that kind of stuff. If you want to listen to some newer rock I would suggest Linkin Park, Green Day...
  9. K

    Bluetooth service error on windows vista?

    i wanted to use the bluetooth on my phone and on my computer to upload pictures, but when i try to change my bluetooth settings to discoverable it says theres an error and the changes cannot be saved. help?
  10. K

    Where can i get Sony Ericsson Spiro themes?

    Hi, i have recently bought a Sony Ericsson Spiro. I have tried downloading themes from various websites and none of them work, but they are for the Spiro. Can anyone tell me where i can get some that will work please Thank you
  11. K

    Rogers Pay As You Go question?

    I have a pay as you go plan; Socialite 20. Every month I'm supposed to have $20 in my account by the end of the month. This month I had more than $10 left in my account so I bought a $10 card and updated my account balance, so it was over $20. Then the $20 got deducted and I only have 15 cents...
  12. K

    How do I get to Saffron city on Pokemon fire red and leafgreen 10 POINTS

    BEST ANSWER please anyone help? anyone who comes a crossed this question will get a nice 10 points please please please please help!
  13. K

    Do you think its ok if my boyfriend goes to the lounge without me on his bday?

    Its his day let him spend it the way he wants.
  14. K

    *Dealing with a MAMA'S BOY?? what to say to him when he WHINES-- Advice please.*?

    You sound miserable. Let him be with the woman he loves the most- Mommy. This is not going to change - even if you move out.
  15. K

    Do you find humor in the situation when your Ex gets played, used and blown off

    They're an ex - I don't even give it a second thought