Recent content by Katarina

  1. K

    Does anyone know what this video on youtube is called?

    A while ago I watched a video on youtube about a girl that worked at a nail salon who liked a boy but she would always wear her mask so he did not know who she was then he invited her to a party and she wore a really pretty dress then he noticed her and she left at midnight blah blah blah...
  2. K

    Are writers have a nature of r0mantic ideas and w0rdings?.?

    Clearly your not a writer if you can't even construct sentences !
  3. K

    they say you have a increased rick of heart attack when you smoke weed?

    is that only when your high? ive never done any drugs and i was just wondering if like your completely healthy and you try it, is there like a big chance of a heart attack? and im not trying to seem like im going to try it either im just wondering
  4. K

    Would you be mad if somebody karate chopped your t.v and broke it?

    I might .. we dont have cable .. i watch hulu but yes our big screen
  5. K

    What is something healthier i can eat?

    Make sure you eat all your meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) try not to eat snacks in between and dont eat after 7 pm. also try to eat fruit before 12 pm. Hope i helped :)
  6. K

    What style is this?????

    straight up punk. if it's mostly black then its gothpunk.
  7. K


    you have to pay ALOT to use the internet... more than a regular phone!!!