Recent content by kassandra

  1. K

    Someone tell me what games these are v2.0!

    You first thread sucked, now your trying to hard to be funny and failing even harder. For the N64/ PS2
  2. K

    which body do you find the most attractive?

    woahh didn't think the poll would show this much of a clear preference!
  3. K

    Does it make a big difference to use tennis shoes for hiking?

    I'm going to be hiking a mountain or two on Hawaii and I will also be walking around the Big Island. I was wondering if it will make a big difference if I use tennis shoes for hiking? I'm not sure if hiking will be fine without buying hiking shoes. Suggestions and any other advice will be gladly...
  4. K

    Got Something on your chest? Let it out!

    aight. thats what ppl are telling me. this kid was trying to hook up with her for a year now and i talked to her for almost a little more than a week and iam dating her lmao
  5. K

    Zomg Rice

    fuck. dropped from 43 to 34. i give up. 3100 grains better fucking be enough, god damn fatties
  6. K

    What game should I buy off the Xbox Marketplace ?

    Skate 2 ......... Or forza 4 (:
  7. K

    Are you comfertable with your sexuality?

    Quite comfortable, yeah And I think kids who go around spewing omg I fucking hate gays they might masturbate on me are absolutely fucking immature and need to grow the fuck up
  8. K

    my life revolves around money

    So what you are saying is you are a product of MTV "gangsta" rap. You are growing up to the whole get rich, fuck bitches get money sham. Congratulations, I'm sure your myspace profile is dope.
  9. K

    Frankie Boyle is ****, amirite?

    he's full of hatred and twisted by the sun like a raisin but i like him
  10. K

    Is it true, they still dont let flat footed people join the army?

    Im flat footed, & i hear that they dont hold that against people anymore. I can Do everything a person without flat feet can. So??...
  11. K

    Is it true, they still dont let flat footed people join the army?

    Im flat footed, & i hear that they dont hold that against people anymore. I can Do everything a person without flat feet can. So??...
  12. K

    Is it true, they still dont let flat footed people join the army?

    Im flat footed, & i hear that they dont hold that against people anymore. I can Do everything a person without flat feet can. So??...
  13. K

    Is it true, they still dont let flat footed people join the army?

    Im flat footed, & i hear that they dont hold that against people anymore. I can Do everything a person without flat feet can. So??...
  14. K

    Is it true, they still dont let flat footed people join the army?

    Im flat footed, & i hear that they dont hold that against people anymore. I can Do everything a person without flat feet can. So??...