Recent content by karabear4053

  1. K

    The thing about females...

    If it's not that, you have them choking chickens
  2. K

    The Acronym Thread (TAT)

    Andy fitzgerald reads inside cans and nuts - nobody ever greeted rick olbertson - underwear nappy pork raunchy over the extra corny thing everyone dawted - sexy extra xylophone dgaf
  3. K

    Elizabeth Reinhilde Clark 1941 - 2007 RIP

    My condolences to you and the family. Take care.
  4. K

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    he fucking wishes
  5. K

    Top Ten Bears,does this include your fave?

    ROTFLMAO!!! The Bad News Bears!!! Blast from the fricken past!
  6. K

    Would you fight Kimbo Slice for 60 seconds in order to get..

    I'd fight megan fox for 60 seconds to get a date with kimbo, but I'd probly get hurt.
  7. K

    Bad luck America

    It's the pussys who can't drink. They think the only decent beer is the rice crap. Most balk at the thought of drinking a real brew. The reason American beer (not the micros) is server "Ice Cold" is because the flavor is for Shee-ite. Real beer has a wonderful flavor that is akin to the nectar...
  8. K

    Spider-man cartoon

    Has anyone seen the CGI Spider-man cartoon (the one that's completely CG, not the hand-drawn one with a few CG web-swinging scenes tacked on)? I borrowed a DVD of it the other day and it's excellent. The scripting and characterisation are great!
  9. K

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Speaking of asthma, GRRRRR to 2:30am asthma attacks. I hate using my nebulizer (the albuterol makes me J-I-T-T-E-R-Y) but it's the only thing that's been keeping my lungs functioning. GRRRRRRR.
  10. K

    Thought of the Day

  11. K

    John Cleese is on Facebook, and that is a great thing

    ALERTS TO THREATS IN 2013 EUROPE From JOHN CLEESE The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The...
  12. K

    "ban this sick filth"

    "ban this sick filth" You forgot to blame the Jews, Freemasons and Democrats...
  13. K

    Broken bones?

    I'm getting chills of you guysbreaking shit, I haven't yet, don't want to, shiiit. I think I have carpotunnel though, my left hand has like some tiny bone that pops out like a lump on the bottom of m wrist, it hurts like shit :(
  14. K

    Applying for Special Constable

    who is he??