Recent content by Kal

  1. K

    Michigan "Joker" Sentenced

    Michigan "Joker" Sentenced funikdin gay dick
  2. K


    You resort to one letter replies because you know it's true :tup:
  3. K

    So I

    if you have a vagina and a pair of tits.
  4. K

    Is it safe to travel to Thailand now?

    The political situation in Thailand is unpredictable and sometimes volatile. Over recent years there have been instances of civil and political unrest resulting in large-scale demonstrations and, in some cases, violence. You should exercise caution throughout Thailand and avoid demonstrations or...
  5. K

    air window vacuum?????????????????!

    Dumber than boose? That's unpossible.
  6. K

    Ladies: Most Attractive Physique? [Pics & Vote]

    Ladies: Most Attractive Physique? [Pics & Vote] My fav is number 4 lol, didn't get into my previous post:S
  7. K

    FAA Radar Data; UFO travelling 2100mph Entered Skies In Stephenville, TX

    man dat news site is legit!!! :dodgyrun:
  8. K

    do girls really need the last laugh?

    me and a friend were waiting for a third friend(my crush), but she never showed so we walk to class and around hte corner of one hallway i see her and she was listening to her music and stuff and seemed like she had an attitude. I said hey and what not but she was a bit more focused on what she...
  9. K

    Might be Shens...

    I got pulled over while dui once. For shitty driving actually.. I told him that there was deer, so I liked driving in the middle of the roads especially out in the country. I did this so I was able to swerve inorder to miss the deer. don't ask me how i got out of the ticket. I think he had...
  10. K

    Share your Secrets

  11. K

    Schwinn Le Tour bicycle any good?

    I was wondering if this bike is worth the price. I don't know too much about bikes so any help would be much appreciated.
  12. K

    How do you make polls?

    U stupid fuck. he meant the question u clicked on to open the poll u dumb fucker.
  13. K

    I just accidentally found out my A-level results.... I think

    The university could get buggered if you reported them to whoever runs the results OR THE MEDIA.