Recent content by Kaila

  1. K

    Info on Blue Ray player?

    We just dropped our cable and got the Netflix and Hulu Plus for our main t.v. Now I am wondering how to get the Netflix and Hulu on the other t.v.s in our house. Someone told me a blue ray player but I have no idea where to start. The main t.v. we got it through the Xbox. Do I have to have a...
  2. K

    I'm going to a Cody Simpson meet and greet in 5 days and I don't know what to do.?

    I would definitly not kiss him. you might get in trouble. UI would dress very nice just for him. I would also ask him about his career and how he likes to sing and ask for his autograph and ask to get a picture together!! Have fun!!
  3. K

    More Police Brutality?

    Agreed, sounds like a clear case of PTSD,
  4. K

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I know a friend of a friend that caught a delivery guy about to deliver a "tried to deliver a parcel but you weren't in" notes without even having brought the parcel out of the van. He just had the note.
  5. K

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Or you could be like me and have the joy of random nose bleeds which always leaves your boogers an interesting shade or green with red bits in.
  6. K

    movie star

    so acting school would be after college right
  7. K

    How to change a bulb in a portable dvd player?

    My son's dvd player screen is dark - the rest of it is working fine. I think it may be the bulb but I have no clue how to change it and would hate to have to buy another player if it is something easy to do. It is a Disney Cars dvd player
  8. K

    Why am I more interested in sports than in girls?

    Football is your passion, so you'll want to play it more than hang out with girls. When you're passionate about something, you'll want to do it all the time. Please help me with my problem! (It's confusing, I know)
  9. K


    Sorry, I'll have them keep it down next time they are with me.
  10. K

    How is this video editing effect called ? windows movie maker for xp can't do it, which programs can ? i don't care if i have to buy it.
  11. K

    How is this video editing effect called ? windows movie maker for xp can't do it, which programs can ? i don't care if i have to buy it.
  12. K

    is there any spirit at Roger williams university?

    like sports and stuff or is it just boring?
  13. K

    whats wrong with America?

    LISTEN WATCH THE FIRST VIDEO that is one thing right there againts the president of usa and how the gov is not releasing info to supreme court cuz its "secret" since they wiretaped americans without the law passed.... but i guess you dont see that as a problem or any of the other videos. they...
  14. K

    Hand-held objects...

    What can of hand-held objects are you specifically talking about here? Anyway water bottles are probably easy to do a project on?