Recent content by K_JKD

  1. K

    In which martial arts , hitting in crotch is allowed ?

    any self defence or military style. sports styles don't do groin kicks because they are unsportsmanlike.
  2. K

    Gracie Jiu Jitsu/ UFC?

    heres helio gracie who created gracie jiu jitsu showing a series of strikes- elbow to head kick to gut knee to liver/spleen jiu jitsu chop to...
  3. K

    if a sport style is best for self defence then wouldn't a self defence style be

    better for sport? or is sparring the pinnacle of martial arts???
  4. K

    do you use your martial art at your job or in everyday life?

    I am a part time chef and I apply the tao of jeet kune do all the time with my cooking and my head chef even applauds me for this which is kinda weird because most classically trained french chefs are dead against fusion cuisine but I believe I have an awesome guide to follow in jkd's tao and he...
  5. K

    ever learn any good recipes from apicius or any other old coockbooks like form

    of cury? I keep learning so much from theese books and I even got an old ravioli recipe from form of cury which is funny becasue the book is english style apparently but i thought ravioli was italian lol
  6. K

    How can I learn Kung Fu / Martial Arts by myself?

    can you learn how to swim without swimming? probably but you wont be good enough for the olympics no matter how hard you train swimming in books and online.
  7. K

    Is Jiu-Jitsu the best fighter in the world than Karate and Kung Fu?

    equestrian vaulting mixed with baseball takes all other styles...
  8. K

    can I still learn "real" karate or kempo?

    I don't mean what most people would call karate or kempo. I mean the ones where they teach you to parry & strike with the same hand simultaneously They learned to pull back their fist on the side, directly under the arm after a strike. However, today when karateka pull back after a strike...
  9. K

    You had to step in a cage with an MMA fighter for $100000?

    ill do it for brittish pounds
  10. K

    Who takes MMA besides me? :)?

    I have been doing jeet kune do/jun fan gung fu since about 2000 and they are all about mixing it up with other styles and learning whatever is useful to you. I do both jkd core and concepts so I am quite familiar with the idea of cross training and I originally did wrestling & mauy thai before...
  11. K

    Karate Blocks, are they useless?

    They are not useless to a competent karateka (which depending where you go there can be lots or few) but they can be a bit robotic and I think parrying, moving out of the way & counter attacking simultaneously is a preferred method ore even parrying & counter attacking or evading & counter...
  12. K

    Creative license in martial arts?

    I was wondering if anyone has added something to there style that they have gotten from somewhere else? I have been training in various martial arts since 1997 and recently I seen a move in a mortal kombat game where liu kang jabs his enemy in the throat with the area between his thumb and...
  13. K

    How many forms of martial arts are there?

    Technically everyone has their own "style" so theres as many styles as there are fighters. but if you want a lis heres a few- Wing Chun Kung Fu Hung Ga Kung Fu Eagle Claw Kung Fu Kajukenbo Isshin-ryu Karate Goju-ryu Karate Shorin-ryu Karate Wado-ryu Karate Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Danzan-ryu...
  14. K

    Choke or Sleep Hold How to do it? Martial Arts?

    Blood Chokes aka Sleeper Holds are very effective because they can cause a k.o. in a few seconds of applied correctly. The way it works is by putting pressure on the large arteries and viens in the neck you cut off the blood flow to the brain causing a k.o. and if held for too long death so use...