Recent content by JustinA

  1. J

    a church has 8 bells in its bell tower before each church service 3 bells...

    8 x 7 x 6 = 336 You could also type "8 nPr 3" into a calculator
  2. J

    Is it wrong that I dont want my sister going with me on vacation?

    I dont see anything wrong with it. The guys are going on a trip, she should stay at home with her mom.
  3. J

    Is Todd Wilbur gay???????????

    i was watchin his stuff on youtube and I just wasn't sure
  4. J

    PREDICTIONS FOR THE 2009-2010 NFL standings?

    what do u think will be the standings for the upcoming nfl season?
  5. J

    PREDICTIONS FOR THE 2009-2010 NFL standings?

    what do u think will be the standings for the upcoming nfl season?
  6. J

    My father won't let me have a manual car because he says i have to many gadgets?

    you must be a teenager I agree with dad if you are inexperienced
  7. J

    how can i make my subs hit harder and in better quality. memphis?

    i got a memphis m3 15inch sub in a ported box. my box is made for two fifteens but i got the other half seald with wood. screwed in! i got a puney sony explode 1200 wtt amp and its all the way up. it hits good but i want it better. what can i do right now to make it better??? i got 4guage wire...
  8. J

    is honda better than john deere?

    depends if talking about equipment or engines honda makes a real good engine but john deere has better equipment
  9. J

    Music appropriate for mass?

    i think our group has the components to be sort of a rock band type group, any suggestions on what we can play? for a project for my religion class, we (the students) have to organize and run a mass. I'm part of the music section where we have to play songs during the mass. We have a singer...
  10. J

    Advanced Lifters/strength Geniuses!! I Need Your Help With Making Football...

    ...PROGRAM!!!? Alright, I am 16 years old, 6'2 205 pounds right now and have been lifting for around 2 and a half years. Now in this program, I want to mostly achieve mass gains and power. What I want to do is have olympic lifts such as: snatches, cleans, jerks, clean pulls, power cleans etc...
  11. J

    Wireless internet for free ??????

    those 'internals' are fine if you're close enough to the source, but you can do much better with a 'card'. you can buy a good-strong pcmcia card for laptops, and of course, the same goes for a desktop computer. you might want to check to see what you can find. there you will find...
  12. J

    Wireless internet for free ??????

    those 'internals' are fine if you're close enough to the source, but you can do much better with a 'card'. you can buy a good-strong pcmcia card for laptops, and of course, the same goes for a desktop computer. you might want to check to see what you can find. there you will find...
  13. J

    Why does my computer freeze everytime i connect my internet?

    Windows XP. Wireless Internet, Connected via ethernet cable to computer. ( i am on my dad's laptop at the moment ) Everytime i start my computer without the internet connected ( without inserting my ethernet cable ) my computer is all fine, i can open Non-Internet usage applications lik...
  14. J

    What impact does the Public services on the internet on you?

    well - as we all know - especially those of us who have been around since before the internet was even 'born' - the internet is supposed to be an uncensored and free-speech medium where everyone can choose what they want to do and how. however, since governments have 'stepped-in', the...
  15. J

    Jump starting another car with a 2008 VW Rabbit.?

    I'm trying to jump start an old bonneville with my rabbit, and I have jumped many, many cars before, and I have never had a problem with it, but no matter how long I let it charge, it just never seems to work. This is my first time using my new rabbit to try to jump another car, is there...