Recent content by jupiter

  1. J

    Request for prediction regarding marriage pls.?

    My birth details are 15.07.1984, 5:20 pm, madurai(male). I belong to dhanus lagna & makara rasi. As per vakya panchanga, I am in guru dasa budan bukthi from Jun.18, 2012 to Sep.24, 2014. Parents are currently actively looking for alliance(from August) as Astrologers state that Guru balam is...
  2. J

    Can you make a book trailer or a video?

    Can you make a book trailer of the following book based on its summary? Surely I can provide you more details of it. If it WINS my video making contest, you will get an opportunity to be included in my E MAG's team and get to...
  3. J

    Suggest a name for our upcoming feminist magazine.?

    You will get credit for naming it by being included in our feminist organization or if you choose you can write an article for it too.
  4. J

    Need help.

    you are stupider than me.
  5. J

    Read my poem and say how's it.Any suggestions?

    For My Love’s Sake While attempting to know My soul – I met yours. Four eyes met; and two souls, Love came, and we were one. For thy love’s sake, I gave up my thirst for freedom. It was an eternal bondage; To which my heart gave in at last. Today those sleepless nights stand As memories of...
  6. J

    Have you taken a look at Temple's new av?tar?

    She's used it before, but you missed out by having a life outside of GS. She is pretty, isn't she?
  7. J

    Why do women get called names that imply sexual promiscuity when then won't

    have sex with someone? If she won't sleep with someone, how does that make her a whore or a slut? Enlighten me, GS. *I know that not all men/women do this and that not all women get called names. And any other "not all __________________ (fill in the blank)" that you can think of. Please do...
  8. J

    what shoes to get

    but why cant i join?
  9. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Spent me some of my wages on a new computer power supply and graphics card. Knowing ebuyer, they'll be here Friday
  10. J

    Football Fans out there?

    Toon fan through and through!
  11. J

    did you study?

  12. J

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    I have a question for anyone who attended the Clearwater protest. Someone mentioned that under the local law its illegal to wear masks and such? anyone know what the deal is?
  13. J

    Why do liberals think 250k is a lot of money?

    If you are living in santa monica, newport beach, manhattan and you make that as a family you are broke. I dont get these guys who are now mad at Obama for not raising taxes (in a recession) its almost like they begrudge any american who can get on and make a success in life. You can do...
  14. J

    Wild accussation

    blade i actually koyo's father