Recent content by junep

  1. junep

    The possibilities

    Because there are cars and street signs in prison? :dodgyrun: Why the fuck would you want to go anywhere near a prison?
  2. junep

    Why are you online in this glorious weather!?

    Because I want to be on ihav :p:
  3. junep

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Except you don't know what I do for the DOD/DOE.
  4. junep

    what would the Marines be doing?

    Sgt. Doyle is bamf not scared of anything.
  5. junep

    Golf Ad

    It is a class remix, that I also happen to have!!! It was just one of those adverts where i went wow!! REally well done and generally more entertaining than the programme either side of it!
  6. junep

    California IS going to fall off !

    Wow, really putting it all on the line there. Next couple decades thats narrowing it down. fucking idiot scientist
  7. junep

    jet lee Vs Jackie chan

    Does Jet Li do his own stunts, though? Damn..what a nutrider I've become on this thread
  8. junep

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" And you need that why? You joining the A-team?
  9. junep

    Is there anything greater than a Double Stuf Oreo?

    Drop me a PM and we'll swap mobile numbers. You're always welcome for a bevvy or two. Got to get some sleep now, take it easy Mitch
  10. junep

    No to a death Star

    Technically He's more powerful that way
  11. junep


  12. junep

    At the roundabout take the third exit

    Haha, sounds like this 4 year old is the safest person on the road.
  13. junep

    Why are you more oldschool than the person above you?

    Because I shot a Dye Matrix LCD back when they were the shit to pop.
  14. junep

    Brand elimination battle!!

    U Make No Sence!i!