Recent content by JulieR

  1. JulieR

    OK to ask for reduction in Vet Bill?

    My cat has to go into the vet for dental surgery next month. The office gave me an estimate - it's going to be $1500-1700. FYI, I normally take her to a veterinary practice that specializes in cats. And they did not want to do the surgery and referred me to the second vet, whose essentially a...
  2. JulieR

    i want to stop feeling so funny here when home?

    well got diffrent moods alot here and im 38 years old here, and i have my best friend tv and lap top to look up stuff to help me here online i want to stop feeling funny , hope its not well perimenapause.. now i dont want to go through months of tought times and fianlly be better... what do i do?
  3. JulieR

    how do i help my friend with her telus bill in canada?

    she bought modem and she now says wont be online tonight and well i will miss her online she called her sociecty for help and cash.....but it dont work..sighs
  4. JulieR

    i used to like being alone since therapy makes my head funny?

    and wonder do i need to stop therapy from new shrink had one he left and now i got a woman shrink and well she well handed me papers and i am not even depressed.....and now i think bout papers from her and its not fair i only saw here 4 times so far.... and i am sorta mad she handed me...
  5. JulieR

    monique gave a shake recipe?

    monique said she makes a shake everyday and lost weight. does anyone know what that recipe is.?
  6. JulieR

    How do I ignore my fears of PDA?

    Start with just touching her shoulder or neck. Then try holding hands or caressing her hand at a dinner table. Then try putting your arm around her. Then go in for a simple kiss on her forehead. Once you are comfortable with doing all of these - try a simple quick kiss on the lips. You just...
  7. JulieR

    How do I kill this rumor about my friend?!?

    This is a really hard question to answer. I highly recommend you just ignore these girls - these mean girls will soon find another target once they get no reaction from your friend and her friends - including you. You could report this to the school counselors and let them handle it. Or you...
  8. JulieR

    i need you boys to help me lol?

    Depending on the thickness of the pants and the tightness, you might be able to see them through the fabric. I know I've noticed way too many old balls because a lot of old men in nursing homes tend to wear sweat pants and they pull those pants up way past their waist so they have camel balls...
  9. JulieR

    I have a enlarged uterus.i am not pregnant but my dr wants 2 perform a...

    ...d& that something that i should do? I'm not sure about having that done. she told me it would be the partial d&e and that she could do it in her office. i heard that they were painful. again i am NOT PREGNANT
  10. JulieR

    Acoustic songs......?

  11. JulieR

    am trying to eat healthy, have a question...?

    Very lean meat, eggs, soy beans...a little of anything isn't going to hurt you in terms of your "everything else".
  12. JulieR

    Why will steaks stored in the freezer..?

    The concept also applies for ground woman as well. The cool air in a freezer helps prevent bacteria from growing on it and will allow for multiple more fucks.
  13. JulieR

    4 channel disco light chaser but want to also switch each coloured light...

    ...independably? i am using a 4 channel sound to light and chaser unit for my disco but using the same lamps would like to be able to just switch off the chaser unit and create a solid blue or red or green effect etc just using a switch and then 4 dimmers to switch on the colour i want and dim...