Recent content by Judge

  1. J

    Where can I watch college basketball online?

    There is a game tonight but not sure where to look online.....I'm kind of worried about getting a virus. Anybody know any legit web page? Thanks!!
  2. J

    Inspector Gadget. The best?

    Is the film version of Inspector Gadget possibly the best film ever?
  3. J

    Do famous people go on Yahoo answers?

    Of course they do. What if Donald Trump wakes up in the morn and suddenly wants to know how to make home made porridge, but he wants to hear it from various people. Yahoo answers is the only place baby.
  4. J

    True/False: At core, men are afraid women will laugh at them, while at core,

    No, at core men fear women will make them want to kill them!
  5. J

    Why do we bother whining and complaining about the opposite sex online?

    That's like saying "why get upset about rapists or terroists? Just ignore them!"
  6. J

    What is the relationship between incest child abuse and homosexuality?

    It must be obvious that incest child abuse, when both parties are of the same sex would play a major factor in the development of homosexuality within a child. It would be part of the environmental and social factors forging traumatic events leading towards homosexuality. Child abuse from...
  7. J

    the best diet plans to lose weight?

    Go our for a 30 minute runs twice a week for about 3 weeks then start going 3 times a week and gradually work up to going out once each day. Don't go wild, run nice and slow just make sure you run continuously for the full 30 minutes each day. If you do that you won't have to worry too much...
  8. J

    Does white laptop keyboard gets dirty after being used for a few years?

    Dirt from your fingers, the keys get stained over time. It can't be helped to be honest, unless you take each key off and clean them.
  9. J

    POLL: how many girlfriends or boyfriends have you had?

    Lots and lots of girls, only two girlfriends. 3 years the first one and I've been with my current girlfriend for a year.
  10. J

    I have a quick question about hunting times?

    ok im in PA and hunting doves ive been going out after 12:00 (noon) and hunting not sure if i can hunt before noon i know first day it started at noon but am i able to hunt before noon now that the season has started? havent hunted doves for a few years. thanks
  11. J

    Good movies like Fearless to watch?

    crouching tiger hidden dragon kill bill the one anything with jet li in it tends to be excellent
  12. J

    why do i almost always get the hiccups after dipping tobacco?

    i tend to burp alot to afterwards.. about 80% of the time after or during dipping i get the hiccups..anyone got an idea why? please no comments on how bad this is for my health im fully aware. thank you people...i dont smoke..this is "DIP"