Recent content by jude

  1. J

    I like a married man and just want to vent...?

    you have nothing to worry about since your have no intention of carrying it farther, smart girl. why be hurt, over something that's never going to happen anyway.
  2. J

    Songs imported into Ares won't play.?

    I recently reformatted my laptop, and moved all of my songs onto my external hard drive. When I put them back on my laptop and added them to My Shared Folder, they showed up on Ares, but wouldn't play. Help?
  3. J

    Which iPhone app will give this photo filter effect? I'm really desperate in finding out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. J

    Coming to terms with the end of a relationship and moving on...?

    its a process and it does take time to get through. trying to get over it by dating or drinking it away won't work actually one has to experience the pain. i got through it by the spiritual way which helped me in finding myself. it never works when thinking if they see you with someone else they...
  5. J

    Which Youtube Video is funnier?

  6. J

    6 yr old daughters need for attention/praise...and whines so much teachers are

    This is an insecure child and she and you could probably use a bit of counseling. There are things that you need to look at, such as, "She will put her clothes in the laundry room and come ask me if im proud she got it done. (after being told more than once to do it) I say good job and thank...
  7. J

    Can someone tell me what manga this is?

    im sorry i don't know who that is but i know 100% that's not ichigo from bleach. sorry im not of help :(
  8. J

    what sports i could play?

    Lacrosse! Lacrosse is really similar to hockey and is like a mixture of hockey, soccer and basketball.
  9. J

    Am i below the standard? Fitness.?

    No your not below the standard other then with weight but everyone's different and having low weight helps a lot with your calisthenic workout.
  10. J

    What easy dish can I make just using potatoes, cheese and eggs?

    Yep Sophie's got it! Make some mashed potato, add lots of butter and most of the cheese, put in grill proof dish, sprinkle rest of cheese on top and grilll til brown. Meanwhile cook an egg how you like it (poached, fried) and have with the cheese potato - yum yum might cook that myself tonight...
  11. J

    Here is a very easy and stupid riddle?

    I jump higher than a mountain' Who am I?
  12. J

    Looking for old BBC Radio Sci-Fi Drama?

    It was broadcast in the early 1980's on Radio 4. The plot was about a spaceship that was on a mission to look for planets to colonise. The adults had all been killed in some kind of accident and the only survivors were four children. The computers were called 'Angels' and I think they had...
  13. J

    How do I change my screen resolution to my monitor's best resolution?

    after i install my xp os i cannot change the resolution
  14. J

    I'm looking for good sci-fi books? Any suggestions?

    And since I'm a bit of a romantic, any good romance in the book would be good. But I'm ok if there's a really good book you could suggest without the romance.
  15. J

    Differences in styles of Karate?

    I am talking about the different techniques and fighting methods such as using range and timing or having better physical attributes such as power or speed. What are the differences in training, techniques and philosophies that each dojo teaches. Such styles as Kyokushin, Shotokan, Shorin-ryu...