Recent content by joshuageefan

  1. J

    What were you scared of as a kid?

    I had a creepy clown lamp in my room i hated that thing so my moms took it out also freddy kruger gave me teh nightmares....
  2. J

    most fucked up thing you have ever done

    hahahahahahahaha hahahahaha
  3. J

    I cant believe this is happening

    I'd laugh my ass off if the guy managed to keep it up 24/7 for a few days.
  4. J

    need some ideas

    poop lololol
  5. J

    Help Rick Roll the Mets!

    Except that now they are having a run off sort of thing, where they are going to play the top songs at the next homestand and whichever, get the most crowd support wins. So, it's probably a no go for the rick roll.
  6. J

    i lol at this going to hell

    i miss the deformed people thread a few months back. huraff, snake baby, octipus girl, ect all in one thread. good times, good times.
  7. J

    so, what kinda beer you likey?

    Yea son! Pitchers of molson erry friday night, hoegaarden on summer pub nights, creemore/molson at the cottage all night long.
  8. J

    Why Canadian KFC is better then American

    Lulz. We have sexy girls though. I fucking hate spics. Dont put me into the same boat as them.