Recent content by JonBonJovi

  1. JonBonJovi

    I was fine till I went online. .

    not worried. . just nervous. .
  2. JonBonJovi

    man slaughters 14+ cats

    Wasnt a cat the source for the SARS virus?
  3. JonBonJovi

    MTV MADE is coming to my school to....

    If made ever comes to your school, I suggest you try to get on to become a spelling bee champion...or to just spell at an 8th grade level.
  4. JonBonJovi

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR at people generally not being able to use any kind of critical thinking for themselves or being nosey pains in the backside!!! End of last year I fell out with my old karate instructor quite badly. It's a long story. Anyway, a few months later (about march this year) I finally...
  5. JonBonJovi

    This really bothers me about a lot of charity organizations.

    I keep mean to complain to my local Sainsbury's about the checkout thing, but haven't got round to it yet - I spend too much time grouching on MAP!
  6. JonBonJovi

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" I've often heard arguments against magazine capacity, claims of "need" (which tend to be spoken as if the Bill of Rights were a set of privileges granted by the government based on some assessment of need, rather than rights inherent in the...
  7. JonBonJovi


    I have to shave virtually every day so I've developed a good routine over the years. I am eternally cursed with a 5 o'clock shadow so in some instances I've actually had to shave twice in one day while on active duty in the military. I use a butterfly safety razor for my face. It takes some...
  8. JonBonJovi

    tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue

    That was amazing. I want his book. And I hope I experience something so amazing in my lifetime.
  9. JonBonJovi

    "Me and my family flew up and floated around the room."

    "Me and my family flew up and floated around the room." Why do you guys fuck up every promising thread?
  10. JonBonJovi


    Isn't there some research into fluctuating solar output may be a major cause of climate change in the past? Just something I am digging up from my mental basement so I may be well off target.
  11. JonBonJovi

    Libel laws and the UK... what/why/how

    I think your average UK citizen only hears about libel laws (or slander laws) when there is a court case involving some 'sleb'. (i.e. celebrity.) For most of us, they simply aren't something that we have any dealings with.
  12. JonBonJovi


  13. JonBonJovi


  14. JonBonJovi

    The Word Game IV
