Recent content by JonathanU

  1. J

    Petition to Bring Pankration to London 2012!

    You're not kidding. Turns out he's a descendant of King James.
  2. J

    Alien Survival Thread

    I aint scurred.
  3. J

    Guess the Appearance

    3.5 out of 7 5'11" strong left arm, slim built, red and yellow jacket. Dark hair.
  4. J

    DODGY on the phone????

    I still have it haha
  5. J

    How much did this cost?

    Not much, its a fucking church.
  6. J

    For the Lads!

    Erm is this a rude reply or is it my warped mind (possible update on the wings of a sparra ............e**e of a big buffalo song ?)
  7. J

    Creepy intern gets spied on and owned

    Fucking lol. That fatty got pwn'd I love how you called him Meatloaf.
  8. J

    Dog in danger of being put down...Please complain here.

    Sorry, I disagree here. If a child provokes a dog by yanking its ears or throwing stones at it I'm afraid that's the child's fault, not the dog's. Why should the dog be punished let alone killed?
  9. J

    true or false

    false wants a hot pocket
  10. J

    Police Oral Interview

    Sounds to me like just a case of nerves. The main thing is you are through it and moving the next stage. Hang in There! Jon
  11. J

    Protests in Arab world

    Yeah I was pretty pissed off at that the US have said it has marines so they're ready to help with humanitarian aid but it just feels like a come-on. I dunno I kinda don;t want the US involved with this I want Libya to sort it out themselves and if they request UN help and the security council...
  12. J

    This week, in my alternate universe...

    Adam, your mask is slipping!
  13. J

    Best!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fast Food!

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Explains alot
  14. J

    Guessing game

    dude, i lol'ed so hard at the first two pictures
  15. J

    This Is THE Coolest Kid Ive EVER Seen.
