Recent content by JohannaS

  1. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrr think I may have a perforated ear drum after landing on my head at training. Hearing gone and my tinnitus is 10 x worse than normal! Docs for me tomorrow Can't sleep the noise is so bad.
  2. J

    Best mobile for under $150AUD?

    If it's really new it won't be listed. It needs to have GPRS & bluetooth thats all. You can download the software for free anyway, if it works buy the bluetooth GPS reciever off Ebay.
  3. J

    Post pictures of yourself V. I dunno

    i just fapped to this thread :runaway: mostly to CDN and mike.
  4. J

    Why do we have feelings in our heart?

    You being all thoughtful tonight Hiroji??? Its not really our hearts though is it? Its all chemical reactions and whatnot.
  5. J

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    500 deaths.. half a MILLION people displaced with limited access to food, shelter and water. their homes, roads, highways and schools of the 500 000 people essentially leveled. isreal is still withholding supply lines that the displaced half a million refugees need desperately...
  6. J

    What Would ST Do?

    Double turkey on wheat with pepperjack cheese, spinache, tomato, cucumber and a little bit of mayo (I'd go with light).
  7. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I can see your point. People seem to be mixing it up a lot.
  8. J

    So wheres Nelson?

    South Africa borders Zimbabwe, and although Mandela is retired, any stand he makes has the danger of committing South Africa to a political position (e.g. economic/military/humanitarian). SA isn't too stable itself, and it wouldn't take much for things to spread across the border if they're not...
  9. J

    Bday ideas

    a blowjob
  10. J

    KNIVES! not in the face, NOT IN THE FACE!

    I doubt it would make much difference. These kids are far more at risk being shot by another gang or a taxer. They live in a very insular world were everyone is glad to see them, death is just around the corner and life is the next bite sized chunk until you score, not much else matters, not...
  11. J

    Would You Rather (forum game)

    You're fucking stupid, old man.
  12. J

    pro jersey copys

    And once i call him you will be sued. Yes, that means you will be violated in the anal region.
  13. J

    What are you afraid of?

    Wife hacked your account again eh?
  14. J

    Is it wrong???

    Teenage boys who think its cool to wear their jeans about 6" down off their hips make me want to scream. Would it be wrong to use a power staple gun or a nail gun, pull their pants back up and nail them in place? Just a thought.... Or those of you with teen daughters, ever have one of these...
  15. J

    so i was thinking
