Recent content by JoeHeaton

  1. J

    Are you willing to pay more taxes or borrow money from China to pay for ....?

    Tea Party Freaks will riot. FOX has trained them to DEMAND EVERYTHING --- from their 'gubmint' --- and PAY NOTHING. Righties are the ULTIMATE MOOCHERS. ..
  2. J

    Does Obama not get it, traveling to Pennsylvania for another campaign stop?

    I'm sorry you're starving. It's terrible that Bush/Cheney - and the Republican Incompetents destroyed our economy in 08. I feel for you. But of course, as a wealthy person, I don't care. I only care that the Republicans will protect my vast wealth - while we mock your stupidity - your...
  3. J

    anyone think germany will try to take over again?

    They HAVE taken over .... the car market. Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, VW, Porsche .... They are leading all. ..