Recent content by JoBrolovin'Ballerina

  1. J

    Is the normal life boring or its better being a celebrity?

    Well i know celebs and they say that sometimes its annoying to always have people in you business, but they also say its great to be a role model for people and have fun doing what they love and not having a totally real job. Personally, i am undercided, i would probably prefer to not be famous...
  2. J

    So the answer is yes!. What celebrity idol would you cook for?

    Well i would cook for one of the anorexic ones so i dont have to cook...hehe. i would wear cute clothes.
  3. J

    Which Celebrity who is dead, do you wish was still alive?

    I agree with you!!! He was the best!!!!! My cousins live in australia and they met him one time! He was the best. and in my health class last year, there was like a littl R.I.P. thing for him! Aww i miss him!
  4. J

    what did you do before there was internet?

    gasp...there wasnt an internet at one time??? just kidding i knew that, but i wasnt alive, but if it got taken away now...well i would have to kill myself!
  5. J

    Whats up with all these celebrities getting pregnat?!?

    Haha i know its like that baby boomer thing after the great depression or whatever. But it is mainly happening with celebrities.
  6. J

    What celebrity do i look like?

    You asked this question before, but people who dont have a myspace cant see you. cause you have to log into look. Put the picture of photobucket.