Recent content by JoanS

  1. J

    Why are my doors locking by them selves? 1992 mazda 929?

    I don't lock my car doors because the key doesn't unlock them. I understand that the locks activate when you put the car in gear, but the last 2 days, I had to call AAA to unlock it. It locked by itself while I was at work and again yesterday overnight.Could someone tell me why, and what can I...
  2. J

    If the Government will not protect us from these freaks in the NYC suv incident?

    They just did. If you're asking agencies to be psychic and stop people BEFORE they commit criminal acts, I think you've seen to many sci fi movies.
  3. J

    Is my ex-friend a lesbian or a closet lesbian?

    It sounds like she has only one good friend and has become a leech. As far as the clothes she wears, she sounds down to earth.
  4. J

    If Obama goes to meet the Queen of England will they insist that he use the

    Of course not. You seem to be about a generation behind the times. You are attributing American social history to the British crown. Obama is hardly the first non White head of state to meet with the queen. Please stay in school...and pay attention. You might learn something.
  5. J

    If Obama goes to meet the Queen of England will they insist that he use the

    Of course not. You seem to be about a generation behind the times. You are attributing American social history to the British crown. Obama is hardly the first non White head of state to meet with the queen. Please stay in school...and pay attention. You might learn something.
  6. J

    how many paracetamol?

    will it take to kill me? if i take 22 will it work? please don't leave stupid answers, i just wana know quick.
  7. J

    Do any of you know any good Japanese war movies?

    tora tora tora
  8. J

    How did the Wednesday Night Cocktail Party and Hollywood entertainment party...

    I have no idea. Mad because you weren't invited? I'm sure it was just fine. BTW, Giethner isn't "so quiet". You need to pay closer attention.
  9. J

    How do i stop my bulimia and food hell?

    go to your doctor and get help. before it is too late. if there is a part of you that wants to stop and know you should then go for it and talk to someone. that is what i have just done and i am so thankful that i did. i was told all the risks and found out how common sudden death is in people...
  10. J

    Where can i find the channel 4 documentary on children dealing with their mum's

    dying of cancer? It was out a couple of years ago i think, and it was a series about children coming to terms with their mothers having cancer and some of them not surviving. i would really like to be able to watch it again online but i can't find it anywhere. can anyone help?
  11. J

    Is Obama on Vacation?

    No. Pick up a paper once in a while.
  12. J

    when I start the motor on my pick-up truck I sometimes don't have any

    heater nor 4x4.? I have a pick-up truck 1995 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 with new turbo 6.5. Problem: when I start the motor I don't have any heater nor 4x4. After running a while, both start working. I have spent a little bag of money with mechanics but the problem persist. It could be really...
  13. J

    If The people on Yahoo are Our Future, Don't You Think We are Doomed?

    No. I'm guessing Yahoo users are not a representative sampling of the population.