Recent content by jmor818

  1. J


    My little brothers iguana died today (very escaped its cage and drowned in our pool :eek:) and he was devistated. I was wondering how much an iguana (just the iguana, i have a tank already) would cost because I'm thinking about getting him a new one as a surprise to make him feel...
  2. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    improved my rope skills earlier tonight (had to miss Judo for it but think it was worth the sacrifice)
  3. J

    How can one become E-Famous?

    You're still a whiney little bitch who does nothing but bitch and moan until you get a thread closed.
  4. J

    State of Origin

    I cant wait for NSW to own the next game. The decider is going to be sooooo hectic this year, I can feel IT!!!
  5. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    we had 2 viewers last night, and the first have already put an offer in at the asking price!!! 3 more viewers coming tomorrow and another on Monday.
  6. J

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    think of a weasel, and give it the best legal team in the world. scientology in a nutshell. The govt cant do much, the leaga team would just bury the case for decades. it would drag out so long it would be thrown out. unless the govt. knew, in which case im surprised the whole facility in...
  7. J

    Wow get this...

    Im suing your mom for releasing that information. By law she is not allowed to.
  8. J

    Your favourite TSRer

    especially after you repped me. Thanks for that. :p:
  9. J

    martial arts + geeks

    I suppose you mean words that have cz, sz, rz in them? They all have thier own pronounciations. Once you get them down, everything is spelled phonetically like in Japanese. There are also variatons to A, C, E, N, O, S, and 2 for Z. Also, W makes a V sound, and a modified L makes the English...
  10. J

    So i got alcohol poisening

  11. J

    The MAP edited pics thread.

    Booksie, I think your just asking about Mr. Green Shirt. And does your mom know your here?
  12. J

    movie effects...

    Little Boy
  13. J

    Will I be able to control the screaming?

    TV really exaggerates the situation. Some screaming or crying is okay but they will tell you not to focus your energy there. Pain tolerance differs per person but anyone will say the first time around it hurts.
  14. J

    Going on vacation in Puerto Rico.....?

    It depends on what you want to do, of course. There are mountains and rainforests and beaches and gambling so it depends. First timers soak up the sun and enjoy bebidas in San Juan. Go straight to the hotel website before Hotwire, etc.