Recent content by JiveMan

  1. J

    Very interesting...*PICS*

    its just a message, call it and they tell you about it.
  2. J

    djing add it,, not me though
  3. J

    Has anyone been to Blackpool Pleasure Beach lately?

    Aw, it's tacky but LOVABLE. The Pleasure Beach is maybe a bit outdated in comparison to newer theme parks like Alton Towers, but I think that's what gives it its charm. You can't beat going on the Big One and all the suspense as it takes ageeeess to get to the top of the big climb bit before the...
  4. J

    Your Fav Word V. teh uber haxooorz

    lol wut. or shens. Damn you st for making my vocab. slightly retarded
  5. J

    Is this Redneck?

    that truck is pretty sick
  6. J

    Aren't the Russian and Chinese people great? The governments? But then

    the American government is not so great either, as the lobbyists bribe the politicians to get what they want!
  7. J

    Why do stores give Seniors a discount they don't need? When you are working, you

    have to save for retirement,- but after you retire, you don't have that expense anymore and have all that extra money to spend. Why don't they give a discount to those that are still working, since they need it more?
  8. J

    Shouldn't we all remind Obama of his words against lobbyists? I mean, Republicans

    will fight him on this and I want him to strive to get rid of the lobby system no matter how much opposition there is!
  9. J

    Why do we hear rants about pedophiles, when smokers are slowly killing...

    ...their own kids by smoking in the house, and in their vehicles while the kids are there? Are we supposed to hate strangers, but forgive the parents and other older relatives that abuse kids they are related to by smoking.
  10. J

    Why do we hear rants against pedophiles, but not so much about smokers who

    are slowly killing their kids with- smoke around the house, and in their cars? Are we supposed to forgive the latter form of child abuse?
  11. J

    Why do we hear rants against pedeophiles, but not so much about smokers who...

    ...are slowly killing their kids with smoke around the house, and in their cars?
  12. J

    Why do we hear rants against pedophiles, but not so much about smokers who

    are slowly killing their kids with- smoke around the house, and in their cars? Are we supposed to forgive the latter form of child abuse?
  13. J

    Why are smokers so cruel? They will even light up around their own children!

    Should smokers be put in cages of hungry lions, so they can see how brave they are when they are the victims for a change?