Recent content by jimmyh

  1. jimmyh

    dumbest excuse you made for not going to school???

    My asshole still hurts.
  2. jimmyh

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Racism isn't about skin color.... It may be natural to want your children to carry on their heritage, but it is a tad racist to discriminate by race. Especially when a single race/people is singled out and discriminated against.
  3. jimmyh

    UK Police - procedures for search of a female

    My partner is actually in Hong Kong right now. Search and seizure can happen right on the street. No warrent, just suspcion of a crime, or that a crime is being "schemed". The officer is able to actually do a intimate search, as long as it is not open for public view...dressing rooms etc...
  4. jimmyh

    Dressing up in ladies clothes!!

    I'm quite fond of dressing up in ladies clothes myself Though as far as your partners clothes go...nout wrong with coofftopicndo. I remember running around in a pair of pants once with socks shoved down shouting how I had a bigger...'package'. No, surprisingly I didn't get dumped
  5. jimmyh

    Who believes in love at first sight?

    I loved lamp!
  6. jimmyh

    target dorm food ideas

    Ramen. /thread.
  7. jimmyh

    Dragons, were they real animals?

    haha! duh!? no no no, You can't use "duh" at something like that. It goes against all the rules of the word "duh". I mean yes, obviously theyre not here today (or are they...who knows) but how are we meant to know if they were around along time ago?
  8. jimmyh

    Rush Hour 2

    Wonderful stuff.... Good easy watching that always gives me a laugh. Nice to see in the out-takes at the end that things like the assisted front-flip took 3 or 4 goes for Jackie to land it properly. Everything looks good when you only see the one that works.
  9. jimmyh


    I'm a cowboy. Saloon is my thang mang.
  10. jimmyh

    Are there any atheist that believe Jesus Christ was a member of historical society?

    lol love your additional details ;)
  11. jimmyh

    Help me convince my friends to stop beleiving in chi

    why one earth do you believe I have my eyes closed? yes, is an integral part of scientific discovery separating out something from other things is how you know it exists as a thing on it's own. If you can't separate it from other things it is not an entity. and you think my goals are...
  12. jimmyh

    Nucelar fusion coming soon?

    This is it. It looks like some big companies are taking a look at this.
  13. jimmyh

    Should I be concerned about my wife's Abraham Lincoln fetish?

    Or should I just indulge her and grow a beard and buy a really tall hat, memorize the "Four score and seven years ago" speech so I can recite it to her in the bedroom? On one hand I lover her and want to make her satisfied, but then on the other hand--i'm kinda weirded about it. Seriously, you...
  14. jimmyh

    Do you think my ex is still interested in me??

    Well i don't think it was because your ugly he did go out with you in the first place for 3months didn't he? I think he just wants to be friends or it can be because your going go china and i guess you two won't see each other.