Recent content by JimL

  1. J

    What is your personal speculation, after some thought, on why history is...

    It's human nature man. Have you never had an argument or disagreement with someone? Get over it.
  2. J

    can i hook up a blue ray player to another dvd player?

    i have a 3-2-1 bose system. am i able to hook my blue ray player up as a component? i still want the sound from the bose system.
  3. J

    How to deal with the mobile phone/iPod classroom PLAGUE? Rack for multiple mobiles?

    So much of my teaching time is wasted policing mobile phone and ipod misuse. Any ideas? At a meeting I suggested requiring students to put them in a class box at the start of the lesson, but the obstructive types said, 'Then there would be the risk of someone taking the wrong set.' Well if you...
  4. J

    Roger McGough poem about a man challenging Death?

    Anyone heard of such a poem, and can quote it me or give me a link?
  5. J

    Choosing a Market to Trade in...?

    You are not looking to "get rich" overnight. You "only" want $25-$50 return PER WEEK on $600. That's only a 400% annualized ROI. Very realistic. Go for it. I honestly think the stock market needs a 7-10% correction to weed out all the clowns who came into the market the past year who only think...
  6. J

    can we really earn $2000 "Daily" doing day trading in stock market?

    To even have a chance to earn $2,000 per day you need a brokerage account with at least $100,000. Most days, you would have to scratch and claw to make that and there will be days when you will lose money, sometimes lots of money. Contrary to what many askers on Yahoo Answers believe, the stock...
  7. J

    How many of you discuss about your sex with others?

    I think that is a difference between men and women. Women do tend to discuss their sex lives with other women, men don't. The couple of times a man has tried to talk about his sex life, I noticed all the other men (including me) became silent and uncomfortable.
  8. J

    'Forbidden Love' (?) shown on Zone Reality yesterday - DVD?

    I turned on tv yesterday and found myself watching a prog about what happened when Muslim women got into relationships with English/Scottish guys. It was absolutely gripping - the more so in fact because they were very ordinary people from Scotland and the North of England. I can't find...
  9. J

    15 year old girl being kidnapped email? Anyone know about this?

    I was in the pub and overheard some people talking about an email that has been going round about a 15-year old girl abducted from a supermarket and forced into another identity. They were discussing whether it was a real event as it hadn't appeared in the news. Does anyone know anything?
  10. J

    ENV2 Software problems!?

    I have had the Env2 since June 2008. I never break it external or such things. BUT, a month ago I took it in for a software glitch were a menu would pop up while txting. It was fixed. NOW, i will send a txt message it will send but i cannot check my "Sent" messages because of a message after i...
  11. J

    Ashley Cole is Britains most hated celeb?

    Joey Barton for one....
  12. J

    Have you read the celestine prophecy?

    Read the article about it in the skeptic's dictionary.
  13. J

    What is the best way to have cell phone service in London on vacation?

    I'm going to London for six weeks on vacation. What is the best way to have a cell phone in the UK? I have a US Nokia model on the AT&T network.
  14. J

    Tall student/probationary English teacher with enormous nose, London...

    ...mid-late 90s - what happened to him? Great snob. Used to tell the kids he was descended from Edward II or something.
  15. J

    My house still has an old style fuse box that uses fuse wire. Is this

    No it is not illegal, although if any home owner, tenant or occupier has doubts or is worried about safety they should contact a registered electrician as these old systems are not expensive to replace ( a new consumer unit is about £80.00 from places like B&Q.). The main expense would be if the...