Recent content by JessicaF

  1. J


    QFT .....but I think the idiots that buy a 2nd hand boat and fill it full of beer and family and just head out to sea or the ones that try to walk up a mountain in flip-flops in November should be made to pay for the cost of their rescue.
  2. J

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Badger because he's fun to
  3. J

    found this little guy on my porch

    Make it a little top hat and tape it to it's head. I don't know, just thought it would look funny.
  4. J

    Rolls not Buns!

    It's a deal. Ladies first...
  5. J

    Is rolling eyes gay?

    Short sentences are gay.
  6. J

    If you owned any country in the world..

    usa, i would pwn noobs
  7. J

    The courts get one right for a change.

    If female and male circumcision were performed in the same way (a couple days or so after birth, sometimes with a pain killer, the child restrained, parents aware), would it really be that different one to the other? It would still be a choice left up to the parents, one that has arguments for...
  8. J

    Unique ways to ask somebody out.

    I think you are thinking of chloroform.
  9. J

    make me a motivational poster

    honkey, yes he go the #3 by having that many cocks in his wonderful gay experience We all know he likes cock in any orphice at all times I bid you farewell
  10. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    What happened to the whole "dead and proud" schtick anyway, hey?
  11. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Well, if you go with my Stargate obsession it has to be blue (raspberry - I think) but otherwise it could be orange or lime!
  12. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    You two PM me your email addy and I'll share. I'd put it on my youtube but I'm not sure about copyright...
  13. J

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids ^ Surely you meant "mahogamy?"
  14. J

    sidebar freaks me out

    That's not even life-threatening, it's a harelip.
  15. J

    Do you Recycle?

    I didn't vote in the poll because it only lets you pick one of the items -- and I recycle all of those things. Where I live now, the city sends one truck to pick up the yard waste, and another truck to pick up everything else. In my former town, I had to drive to the dump to leave off the...