Recent content by JaredT

  1. J

    I know this kid tyler!

  2. J

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)

    www.****************************** Edit: I wouldn't click it.
  3. J

    Anyone on here NOT waiting on results....?!

    Not my own. I have an unconditional offer. Eagerly awaiting seeing an ex's results, if you know what I mean. :awesome:
  4. J

    Have you ever done this? *game*

    No. Have you ever done this?
  5. J

    Ideas for my goddamned girlfriends 20th b-day

    perform a satanic ritual and sacrifice her to satan
  6. J

    What do you do for fun? (I NEED HELP!)

    why aren't you banned yet?
  7. J

    Being mediocre at everything-Not having a passion

    See, you don't want any of those guys on your side during the oncoming Zombie Apocalypse; you would end up having to take care of them or they would get you killed. Just do your thing, and don't go swimming in deep water OP.
  8. J

    Anyone not go to College in ST?

    your mom goes to college
  9. J

    Can you play games iPhone vs Ipod?

    I have an Iphone and my friend in another city has an Ipod touch with Wifi connection. Is there any way that we can play games with each other. If so, are there are good free games you could suggest?
  10. J

    Everyone laugh at my hometown...

    I'd sex her so she's pregnant and then sell my child for lots and lots of $$$.
  11. J

    How do you Dance?

    Where one person carries out a technique or trick, and the other person adapts and/or reverses it back to the originator. I didn't realise it was a specifically English turn of phrase. *sorry* Deliberatly or accidentally (and for humour - who cares), you have turned my "dancing can lead to...
  12. J

    Biggest pool ever made

  13. J

    Where were you on...

    I was ten. I remember going downstairs in the morning and the telly was on. My Mum told me Princess Diana was dead. I didn't know who she was. Then I had some breakfast and we all carried on living our lives.
  14. J

    So ST... I found a wallet.

    blackmail him for more
  15. J

    X Mas Greetings

    I second that. It's been grand. Good to know all of you.