Recent content by JanLee

  1. J

    How do I offer a massage to a girl that I just met?

    Just offer, if she declines, she isn't ready for physical contact. But before you ask make sure you know how to do it. It is a turnoff to expect a relaxing massage and get bruises and conversely only a light 'poking'
  2. J

    Has it been an average Spring so far, or is it warming to quickly?

    omg--No it isn't warming too quickly and rest assured Al Gore would have already let everyone know if he had seen through any of his video games that it was . . . anywhere
  3. J

    What celeb do i look like?

    I'd have to go with Aretha Franklin . . .
  4. J

    What would you do if you were stranded on an island with giant baby teen celebrities?

    Why, I think I'd have to swim for it . . .
  5. J

    What would you do if you were stranded on an island with giant baby teen celebrities?

    Why, I think I'd have to swim for it . . .
  6. J

    Have you ever been obsessed with a celebrity?

    Russell Crowe Dennis Quaid Gerard Butler Edward Norton Lance Henrikson Antonio Banderas Richard Gere Hugh Jackma Russell Crowe Simon Baker Tom Selleck Edward Burns Tom Jones Spock Val Kilmer Michael Keaton
  7. J

    Celebrity characters?

    Conan O'Brien, or Jay Leno
  8. J

    Are the members of AFI gay?

    Nah just gimmicky stuff.
  9. J

    i am 15 and when i kinda push or pinch my nipole water comes out what dose

    This is normal and happens sometimes when you get to puberty. It will go away on its own, but it is best to get a doctor to check you just to be safe since it also could be a symptom of something more serious.
  10. J

    i am 15 and when i kinda push or pinch my nipole water comes out what dose

    This is normal and happens sometimes when you get to puberty. It will go away on its own, but it is best to get a doctor to check you just to be safe since it also could be a symptom of something more serious.
  11. J

    Where on the internet could I look up information about an old pickle jar I found?

    Google and try antique glass antique canning jars, and if it is a 'fruit jar' or canning jar there will be a brand name on it like Mason or Ball and there should be numbers on it somewhere on the bottom or lower side. If it is just a multipurpose jar, list any legible markings. Good luck. If you...
  12. J

    Poll: Lion, Tiger, Leopard, or Jaguar?

    Tiger, they are the coolest and the most beautiful to me.
  13. J

    Are celebrities curious?

    I do, in fact Gerard Butler got busted trying to sneak into a theater to watch his own movie '300' he was trying to disguise himself with a ball cap and a pullover jacket. That is so lame. And several celebs on talk shows recently said they googled themselves but were so upset at some of the...
  14. J

    Who's celebrity you hated the most? and why?

    Sinead O'Connor, Rosie O'Donnell, George Carlin, Whoopi Goldberg, Jeannine Garafalo, Joan Rivers, Kathy Griffin, Roseanne Barr, Don Rickles--because they are loud mouthed and disrespectful, untalented, not funny, full of themselves.