Recent content by Janhoi

  1. J

    Doesn't Islam hold a more positive view of Jesus than Judaism...............?

    As a Christian myself I find it ironic that many Evangelical Christians, particularly in the United States, have this overwhelmingly negative view of Islam while at the same time have an overwhelmingly positive view of Judaism considering what both religions believe about Jesus. In Islam, they...
  2. J

    Xtians: if slavery was re-introduced to the US, would you own a slave?

    No, I would not. Slavery has been long abolished on account of its outdatedness, and the fact that it is a moral evil. Now, if you are asking me what about the Old Testament, we have to understand that the Old Testament system was a lot different from what happened in the U.S, and was meant...
  3. J

    Question about Bruce Falconer's Time Chamber theme song.................?

    Which DBZ character do you think they used it for the most...............? (i)Gohan (ii)Future Trunks (iii)Goku (iv)Vegeta Just to help people a little with each character. For Gohan, it was used when he turned SSJ2. For Future Trunks, they used it when he was talking about his time in...
  4. J

    Why couldn't Jesus fulfill prophecy without telling everybody what he was doing?

    whats the point of not telling everyone your fulfilling old testament prophecy if thats what your doing. honestly, i can bet my money half of the people who are gonna respond to this are gonna be some atheists who say "jesus isn't god, but some evil jewish carpenter who lived in the desert 2...