Recent content by jackofhearts2047

  1. J

    What culture or religion that differs from your own do you have respect for and why?

    I have respect for all cultures I have no respect for any religions.
  2. J

    why is the audio and video out of sync sometimes when I burn a dvd?

    just sometimes the files are screwed up. probably nothing wrong with your software, that's just how it happens sometimes.
  3. J

    why won't mp4 torrent files burn?

    my software burns every other sort of file, but for some reason it has a problem with mp4. it says " cannot extract all files" or something to that effect. I'm talking about dvd mp4 files.
  4. J

    Which multiracial celebrities are the most aesthetically pleasing to the eye?

    I'm not gay,but I went to school with Derek Jeter,and I can say he is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.I know all the girls think so.I can't think of any famous multiracial female celebrities right now.
  5. J

    what is the magnet link on the torrent download?

    when you go to download a dvd from mininova,it says download this torrent,or use magnet link.what is that?
  6. J

    whats the difference between data dvd and video dvd?

    and data blue ray? I'm just trying to burn movies.thanks
  7. J

    question about recording dvd's?

    I have a dvd,a blank dvd,and a dvd rw computer. how do I take the dvd that I have,and record it onto the blank dvd.I know I first have to upload the dvd into the computer,after that I'm lost...I've tried burning dvd's before.I put them into the dvd player, and it says "cannot play dvd,no title"...
  8. J

    How come whenever I add something to my Favorites on Internet Explorer it...

    mozilla firefox is probably set as your default browser.try setting IE as your default browser.
  9. J

    who is the best ufc heavyweight fighter?

    brock lesnar is the champion,but I doubt,at this point,that he is the best heavyweight in ufc.who would you say? also,since he is the champion in ufc,does that make him the champion in all of mma? thanks in advance
  10. J

    Do you think our existence would be any different if the bible had never been...

    absolutely.I never understood why people would take a book,written by humans,and believe right down to their soul that it was the word of god.
  11. J

    what are the chances Ford sells Lions to Mike Ilitch?

    alot of people in Michigan are hoping that the government makes ford sell the lions as part of the bailout plan to the big 3.what do you think of the chances? the government can make them sell off their assets,and the lions would be an asset.