Recent content by irishlady

  1. I

    Do you use any of the following kitchen gadgets?

    I do use my Tupperware pitcher for drinks for the Grandchildren but to be honest I don't know what a hanging salt box is or egg coddler ?
  2. I

    Do you think we will see an increase in internet scams with the recession?

    I get at least 3 of these get rich quicks scams a week especially when they tell you there's millions in a Nigerian bank just waiting for you lol & I just Delete away
  3. I

    What to do about trip to Italy with my mom?

    Sure you should go & be with family & later on you will always have the memories & being together plus going to Italy that's great
  4. I

    Why is it that 1 grocery store has an item on sale and others don't?

    It's called marketing all retailer' do this
  5. I

    can an infection in the leg of a cat travel to the ear?

    It's like like humans if we get an infection & it goes un-treated it travels through the blood stream & cause Septis blood poisoning & then death get to Vet or animal hosp ASAP!!
  6. I

    Greeting card quotes...?

    Congratulations is just saying great you did it Get Well hoping person gets well soon Valentines' Day nothing but love these cards are all sincere wishes
  7. I

    What does the phrase "Rock the boat" mean?

    it means don't shake things up where they can turn up side down
  8. I

    why is my cat peeing?

    try changing to a different brand of litter alot of cats don't like the feel of certain ones & have kitty checked for UTI they will look for alternative places to pee when they have a UTI good luck