Recent content by IrishAmber

  1. I

    what does this mean~~Amended Stipulation in Support of Joint Petition w/Future

    It means you are settling the case but leaving it open in regards to future medical expenses.
  2. I

    what does this mean~~Amended Stipulation in Support of Joint Petition w/Future

    It means you are settling the case but leaving it open in regards to future medical expenses.
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    Celebrity Rehab Question! Since when is Rodney King a celebrity?

    I'd know who Rodney King was before most of the other people on there. I never knew Jeff Conway's name, I only knew him as Kinicky.
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    Wrting fiction - Why is it not working?

    Few tips When you write be sure you can picture everything, what the characters look like, where they are, how they feel, their mannerisms. Don't be overly detailed but detailed enough that the reader knows the person and where they are.
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    In the state of New York, can an employer deduct vacation time from you if

    You could probably opt to not get paid but if your vacation time rolls over, they probably won't let it accumulate into the next year.
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    Can celebrities sue when people make jokes about them publicly?

    No. If it damages her reputation and is either A) untrue or B) a reasonable person would believe it the she can sue.
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    can i wreck a car that is on my property even if its not mine ?

    You have to give her written notice and file a report of abandoned property with the police department. Once they determine she has abandoned the property you can do what you want with it.