Recent content by IRefuset

  1. I

    Help Me Please!!!!!!?

    My balls are starting to grow nipples what should I do!!!?!?!?
  2. I

    oh wow. i just went to visit the celeb category?

    ewwwwwwwww. MQ: We would all be, what they call "dumb blondes"
  3. I

    What's an awesome song that you would never want to ruin due to tweenies or

    video games? suggested category... Home & Garden > Decorating & Remodeling lol
  4. I

    Rock and Pop Hero: World Tour?

    ok so yeah I'm being totally random again. If R&P did have their own guitar hero game, what songs would you select to be on there?
  5. I

    What other songs would I like based on my music interest?

    If your happy and you know it I Love You (Barney version ROCKS!) London Bridge three blind mice (those mice were badas*) we wish you a merry christmas ol' mc donald had a farm ...come on you guys are totally awesome, I'm pretty sure you could add to my list Real Question: Worse music video...
  6. I

    What do you think rock music will be like in the near future?

    Hopefully they will stop making BULLSH*T.
  7. I

    in what rap song, in the beginning do you hear a mattress creaking?

    Could it be some cut?
  8. I

    Ok R&P, let it out, have a good rant! What bands you love are people constantly...

    I like ... Disturbed and Slipknot I don't care what others think but I still like them no matter what. To me they still have talent.
  9. I

    R&P Have you ever been so pissed off that you wanted to scream?

    If you answered my last question then you know why I'm mad. It's not just the answers that made me mad, it's everyday I have to listen to people tell me crap like that and it's starting to get offensive to me. ANYWAYS.... MQ: Songs about stopping racism?
  10. I

    R&P How wild are you with your style?

    Would you stand out of the crowd or not even noticable? Explain yourself... and yes I'm talking about clothing MQ: Songs about being wild/crazy/bad/ get my point (and why would they want me to put this in the hockey category?) I think I stand out, I usually wear spike choker and...